•CHAPTER 6- The Party•

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✨Happy New Year guys ✨

I know I wish you guys late but I was a little busy so I didn't get much time to update you all

Enjoy this chapter :)


CHAPTER 6-  The Party

Taehyung: Ahh what was the need for a new house? It would be better if I lived here with everyone !!

He then went towards his closet, took out his clothes, and went for a warm shower to relax himself.

After coming back from the shower he threw his towel on the couch, Lay on the bed, and drifted off to his dreamland.

At the Office

Y/N and her father were busy discussing some things about their upcoming project with Mr.Cha. Mr.Choi's attention diverted towards his mobile as it was ringing. He checked the Caller ID and it was from Mr.Cha...

Y/N: Who is it Appa?

Y/F: Mr.Cha

Y/N: Oo... Appa put the call on speaker

He then answers the call and puts it on speaker...


Mr.Cha: Hello! Good Morning Mr.Choi

Mr.Choi: Good Morning Mr.Cha

Mr.Cha: I hope that I didn't disturb you 

Mr.Choi: NO No Mr.Cha please say how may I help you??

Mr.Cha: Actually I wanted to discuss a few things about our new project

Mr.Choi: Yeah Sure... Please Say

Mr.Cha: We will do that later!! Secondly, I was thinking how about we celebrate our new collaboration?

Mr.Choi: Yeah sure Mr.Cha... When can we do that?

Mr.Cha: How about Tomorrow?

 Mr.Choi: Sure I will arrange everything.

Mr.Cha: OK then see you tomorrow


With this, Mr.Cha ended the call

Mr.Choi: Y/N select a good Five-star hotel and book it for tomorrow evening

Y/N: OK Appa

After some time Y/N found a perfect hotel and booked the rooftop for the Party 

She informed Mr.Choi and he sent an invitation to Mr.Cha and other businessmen.... Mr.Choi thought of inviting the Kims so he asked Y/N

Mr.Choi: Y/N How about we invite Kims

Y/N: Yes Appa it's a nice idea

Mr.Choi: Hmm then you and Taehyung will be able to spend some time with each other....

Hearing Mr.Choi's words Y/N choked on her saliva and started coughing...

Y/F: Princess are you Ok?

He then passed her a glass of water...

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