•CHAPTER 9- Rules•

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Taehyung(in mind): I hope she doesn't throw any Tantrums!!

Y/N: I Hope that he will respect me!

Soon they reached Kim's mansion (Taehyung's new mansion) and without even glancing at Y/N Taehyung stepped out of the car and slammed the door, making Y/N flinch a little... She came out of her thoughts and stepped out.

Finding herself at an unknown place made her confused.

Finding herself at an unknown place made her confused

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She followed Taehyung and asked him

Y/N: Umm where are we? Aren't we going home??

Taehyung: This is my home and we'll stay here! any problem?

Y/N shook her head

Y/N(in mind): OH GOD!! THE FUCK!! How will I tolerate this cold ass all alone?? It would be better if I had been with Uncle and Aunt... Oops I mean Appa and Eomma!

stepping inside the mansion Taehyung went towards his room but frowned when he saw Y/N following him.

Taehyung: Why are you following me?

Y/N: What do you mean? Aren't we going to our room!?

Taehyung(scoffed): Our Room??

Taehyung: Did you forget what I told you on the day we met?

Y/N: I remember everything!

Taehyung: Then how can you even think that I'll share my room with you? (Stern)

Taehyung: Anyways the room next door is yours and the suitcase that Uncle sent is also there.

Y/N hummed in response and went towards her room.

She twisted the door knob and stepped inside.

She twisted the door knob and stepped inside

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Y/N: Well this room isn't bad... it's better to stay in a different room rather than staying with that cold ass.

She then sat in front of the dressing table and opened her bun. She put off her hairclips and massaged her scalp a little... after that, she went near the suitcase which was placed on the bed and started unpacking her stuff. She then heard a knock on her door. saying "Come in" The door got opened revealing Taehyung.

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