•CHAPTER 7- Shopping•

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Everyone: CHEERS!!

All of them gulped their respective wine in one go 

Lia: So guys thank you so much for coming.... I hope you all enjoyed!!

Ryujin: Yeah Yeah we did!!

Taehyung(whispers in Somi's ear):  Who are they?? (Point towards Ryujin and Felix)

Somi: Umm Y/N you didn't introduce your friends to Oppa!

Y/N: umm actually I forgot... Heehee.... Umm, Taehyung She is Ryujin(Ryujin waves her hand) and he is Felix (Felix forwarded his hand which Taehyung gladly accepted). Umm, We have been friends since childhood.

Taehyung made an 'o' face and nodded... After a few minutes, his phone rang so he excused himself..

Mr.Choi once again went to the stage and said

Mr.Choi: Ladies and Gentlemen Thank you so much for joining us this evening. I hope that every one of you had a great time here with us. (he then bowed to everyone)

❁✧*★°.*:♡:*.°★* ♡✧❁

Time Skip: NEXT DAY 

At Kim's Mansion 

Taehyung came down for breakfast, He pulled a chair and sat on it

Taehyung: Good Morning Appa, Good Morning Eomma

Mr. & Mrs. Kim: Good Morning Taehyung

Mr.Kim: Taehyung today you will be accompanying Y/N for hew wedding Shopping.

Taehyung(wide eyes): But Appa today we have an important meeting with Mr.Kang...

Mrs.Kim: No excuses Tae. You wil-

Taehyung: It's not an excuse this time. Appa check my schedule.

Mr.Kim: Well I know that today Mr.Kang is coming for a meeting but don't worry about him I'll handle everything. For today go and accompany Y/N for shopping!

Taehyung (in mind): FUCKKKK!!!!

Mr.Kim: Is that clear?

Taehyung: Yes Appa!

Mr.Kim: You will pick her up, go shopping with her, and then drop her off.

Taehyung nodded but internally he was cursing himself for agreeing to this marriage.

Mr.Kim: After dropping her off, you will go to check your new mansion to ensure the work has been done properly.

Taehyung: Yes Appa

Taehyung(in mind): If we both go together then there will be an awkward silence between both of us what should I do?

He then saw Somi coming down and an Idea popped up into his mind.

Taehyung: Appa Can I also Take Somi with me... She can help Y/N in selecting a dress.

Mr.Kim: Okay.

Somi: Wait! Where are you planning to take me Oppa??

Taehyung: On Shopping for my wedding. Y/N will also be there.

Somi: REALLY!!!!

Taehyung: YAHH!!! Don't shout

Somi: Omo Thank you so much Oppa.

Mr. & Mrs. Kim giggles on seeing Somi's reaction 

❁✧★°:♡:.°★ ♡✧❁

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