♥️love in libraby

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So like, not my idea, but I love it so much, now just hope you'll like it...

2150 words

the library

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the library

the cozy corners

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the cozy corners

Minho POV

I was making my way into the library in our town. As you see, I love reading and all the books they have there I just my style. I also love the chill vibe in the library and the interier.

All the bookshelfs are made of dark wood. There is also one giant real tree, so the air is always so fresh you just feel comfortable there. The walls are painted with light blue color and somewhere you can see painted clouds and on some places there are cotton clouds hanged from the ceiling.

"Good afternoon miss Jung." I greeted the old lady with a smile. "Oh hi Minho, did you finish all the books again?" She asked with a kind smile. "Yeaaaa you know me hehe." "Well, feel free to borrow any one you want. We also have a few new employees. If they seem nervous or unoriented just let them be, they got here only yesterday." "Okay, thank you." I said while hanging my coat on a coat hanger (what's it called😭).

We said our goodbyes and I went further into the building. When I stepped into the familiar, fresh books smelling room, I looked around. Not many people were here, since it was Thursday afternoon and many people had work, or other bussiness to care about. I am not a bussy man, I have work, but I end early, so I have plenty of time for myself.

After a while, I was already going through the shelfs looking for any books that seemed interesting to me, I heard yelling. I peeked out of the allay I was in and saw a young man behind the borrowing counter with another, older man yelling at him. I didn't like the idea of someone yelling in the library, nor the fact that he was yelling at staff.

I went up to him vigorously and knocked on his shoulder. When he turned to me with an obviously annoyed and angry face, I slapped him if it wasn't a punch. "Do not yell at him. He didn't do anything bad I suppose. And he's an employee, you should be respectful. And if you don't like this library' servises, you shouldn't be here at the first place." I said strictly and after he shot me a death glare, he walked out of the building.

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