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I have literally no words for myself with this one, anyway if you didn't get it, the title stands from Jisung and tummy🙃 and the end should be fluffy

Top- Minho
Sub- Jisung

Around 800 words

Minho could've cum just by looking at Jisung. His naked body laid under him. A fucked out expression plastered on his face already and his eyes hooded with lust. His hazelnut locks glued to his sweaty forehead. His hands beside his head gently holding the sheets for some kind of support. His fully hard member twitching here and there and his legs wrapped around Minho's hips.

But one specific thing about his beautiful body caught Minho's eye. Jisung's tummy was bulging with Minho's dick inside him, which painted a perfect view in his perspective. "Hyung... It's so... d-deep." Jisung's voice trembled. "I feel s-so full..." He added and lowered his hand to his swolen tummy. He whimpered when he rubbed his finger on it.

The older groaned at the sight, feeling his cock twitch inside Jisung. "Y-you're so big... You're already rubbing on my prostate." Jisung sighed "And I'm already so c-close.." the boy whimpered.

Not able to hold back anymore, Minho started pounding inside Jisung, watching as the bulge shifted inside his belly.

Jisung arched his back from the sudden action and moaned the older's name loudly "Minho!~ Hyung-ah" he whimpered and gripped the sheets as if his life depended on it.

"Fuck~ Jisungie you're so hot! Do you feel how deep I am!" He smirked, never letting his eyes go anywhere else than Jisung's face or his belly. "It makes such a pretty bulge in your tummy~" Jisung could only moan at his dirty talk.

Minho leant in and connected their lips, Jisung being hardly able to kiss back, through his moans. "M-minho~ f-faster!" He whimpered when Minho pulled away. "As you wish princess~" Minho growled and that being said he started pulling his dick almost all the way out and harshly slamming back in, right into Jisung's prostate.

Jisung became a moaning mess instantly while the bed sheets were tightly held and his back almost constantly arched from the pleasure he was receiving. The quick overwhelming movement was enough to have Jisung's eyes rolling to the back of his head and his walls clenching around Minho's dick.

"F-fuck... Jisungie~ you're so tight" Minho groaned as his thrusts became a bit sloppier as he was close to his orgasm. "I-I'm so c-close!~" Jisung moaned out. One more harsh thrust is all that took Jisung to hardly arch his back, tightly grip the sheets and let out a loud moan of Minho's name.

Strings of the white liquid flew out of his dick and painted his and Minho's tummy. "S-shit~" Minho swore and came soon after Jisung, panting his insides with the sticky warmth and Jisung let out a last long moan.

The next few seconds were filled with exhausted breathing of the couple. As Minho was about to pull out, Jisung was quick to stop him. "N-no! I-I wanna feel so f-full for a bit more..." He whispered and Minho chuckled at his cuteness after any sexual activity.

So he reached out to the nightstand, which thankfuly wasn't too far and pulled out a buttplug. He was quick to pull out of Jisung and slid in the toy. The younger whimpered a bit at the coldness the silicone held.

Minho sat next to Jisung's head and brought his hand to his cheek, carresing it. Jisung looked up at him with tired doe eyes and tiredly smiled. "You did so well jagi. I'm really proud of you." Minho praised him while playing with his hair. "Hyung?"

"Yes Sungie?"

"Can... C-can we do this again sometime?" He looked up at Minho with big eyes. He seemed a bit dumbfounded for a split second, but after that he smiled at Jisung. "We can love, but go to sleep now, you must be tired." He said.

Minho began standing up, but Jisung stopped him again. "Will you stay with me...?" He asked as if Minho was leaving him. "I'm just gonna get something to clean you up. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." He gave the small boy a sweet peck on his nose and walked somewhere into their appartment.

When he came back with a warm wet towel Jisung was already asleep in the same position he was in when the older left. Minho smiled at his lover and cleaned his body, then cleaned his own.

After doing so he got behind Jisung on the bed and the younger emidiately snuggled his back into Minho's chest. Minho couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. He put his arm around Jisung's waist and softly rubbed his tummy. Jisung let out a gentle sound which Minho remembered the last of the night.


Ig I was just tryna do something so random... But the fact that I wrote this in an hour... Daaaaamn

Anyway, hope you liked this shortie😌

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