🔞mr. mafia's spy

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Such a basic theme, I know... But it's something

Top- Minho
Bottom- Jisung

2304 words

"So that is your mission, got it?" Jisung's boss finished his really long speech of explaining the mission, so the spy would do it right. "Yes sir." "Alright. Go take your things and do not come back until you suceed." His boss said and waved him off.

Jisung dashed into the storage room and unlocked his locker. 'I wonder if the other boss is hot or just a lame one like mine' he thought while changing into his black flexible suit.

Yeah long story short, Han Jisung works as a spy for a mafia gang called 'Black chicks'. He had no idea why such a name, but guess it didn't matter as long as he got plenty of money, which he did.

His latest mission, the one he's preparing for right now, is to get as much information about his mafia's rival, 'The three killers' gang as possible.

Apparently, their leader is one of the youngest mafia bosses to ever exist. And Jisung got the honors of being the one to explore their basement as one of the black chicks' best spies.

"Okay Han, now you go to right and there should be an all time open schacht." Jisung was led by his gang's computer master Bangchan who could get into any camera and was using his skill right now to get Jisung into the basement so he wouldn't get caught.

"I don't think that's a good idea. According to the latest house plans I could find, that schacht leads straight into the heart of the building." Changbin, the master of maps and weapons said. "Should I get out then? I mean, I would be happy, this thing is literally really small." Jisung whispered.

"No continue, god knows how old these plans are and if the mafia didn't fake them." "Smart thinking." "Thanks, yours also isn't bad." Jisung ignored the two and kept going through the cramped schacht, trying not to make any noices.

He was in the schacht for a good while by now and his everything started to hurt a bit. He decided to stay in one position for a while, to give his muscles a rest. The two on the other side of the earplug he had kept bickering about something and it was honestly really pissing Jisung off.

"Guys..." He whispered as a signal they are annoying, but they didn't seem to hear him. "Could you two stop flirting please?!" His nerves burst and he immediately covered his mouth with his hand.

"Chan! Get into the security cameras in the room bellow him, quickly!" Changbin ordered and Chan did just that. "Shit..." Chan said and then a gunshot was heard. The last thing Jisung remembered was falling onto his back and being knocked out.

"Okay San I get it, get out." Jisung heard bluntly when he slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He saw a man with buff body leaving and shutting the door. He looked around and realised that he was tied to a chair.

Jisung remained calm, at least tried to. The rope was tied very tightly and he wasn't gonna lie, it kinda made him horny. His worries grew only when he saw a shadow of a man behind him approaching his back.

"Are you awake?" The man said and damn his voice wasn't too low, but sexy as heck it totally was. Now Jisung was turned on. "And what if I'm not?" He asked back, fighting the worry in him. "Then that's only good." The man said.

"Who are you?" Jisung asked yet again. "I don't know. Who are you, anime boy?" The shock in Jisung's eyes was evident. "... Minho-hyung?" He asked insecurely and only a chuckle was given as a response.

"What are you doing in this building?" "The question is, what are you doing in this building. I am bossing it." Jisung took a good while to process the response he was given.

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