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Dom- Minho
Sub- Jisung

2982 words

When Chan graduated high school, Jisung was left with no roommate and due to Jisung's anxiety Chan suggested for Jisung to room with his friend Minho, who was just a year above Jisung.

Minho. Lee Minho. Jisung didn't understand how he was so hot. He was a walking wet dream. The moment he first saw him he almost dropped to his knees right then and there.

Minho had a perfectly sculped face. His high cheekbones, a perfect nose, a sharp jawline. His kissable rosebud  pink lips and and dark eyes he pierced through Jisung's soul.

It was clear he had a well built body. Hard lines of muscle going up his arms and veins sticking out his forearms. Not gonna even start about his legs. Jisung wanted to bite him.

Not only was he hot, but he was also the sweetest, albeit weirdest, funniest person Jisung ever met. He took care of him, cooked for him and he loved cats, and he was willingly listening all the random topics Jisung would discuss, which didn't even make any sence half the time.

Jisung was a weak man and Minho seemed to hit all his weaknesses

He wanted him in every way possible, but as far as he knew, Minho wasn't interested. Even when their friendship got to the point of being with each other on every waking moment.

An unfortunate outcome of living with a man who looked like he was straight out of a K-drama and also happened to be Jisung's best friend, was the incessant horniness.

He had never gotten off so much in his entire life. He often found thought about Minho like that- above him, touching him, kissing him, fucking him. But he always ended up touching himself to the thoughts anyway, coming with loud cries of Minho's name.

And that's where he found himself one evening when Minho left to his evening class. They shared a bedroom, so Jisung always waited till Minho left, or he just quickly got off in the shower. And now he got an entire hour of time and he wasn't going to pass it up.

Minho had looked especially good that day. When Jisung was crawling out of bed with messy hair Minho was returning from the gym and he was wearing nothing but some baggy shorts and a black tank top. His arms were bulging with muscle and his veins showed even more than they did normally. And then he took a shower walking out with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Jisung could've died right there.

Somehow he continued to look progressively more atractive as he pulled up a turtleneck that hugged his arms and torso, making him look so pretty Jisung would've cried. It was too much.

So now he was here, two fingers deep in his ass, lube dripping from his thighs from the ridiculous amount he had used. Next to him on the bed was dildo. One big enough to make him sore the next day. His chest was pressed against the mattress, ass high in the air and the bed muffling his moans as he pumped his fingers in and out of himself.

Minho's would reach probably so much deeper than his did, he could tell just by the amount of time he looked at Minho's hands. His long fingers would be enough to fill him perfectly. His fingers never did enough tho.

He pushed a third finger in, letting out a whiny "Minho" as he did so. He imagined Minho behind him. Holding his waist, calling him pretty, digging his fingers into Jisung's soft and sensitive skin while stuffing his hole with the other, pushing his fingers against his prostate. Jisung's body jerked at the thought.

He spread them and mewled at the stretch. It was good but it wasn't enough. Jisung needed more. Needed it desperately. He needed Minho's touch, Minho's cock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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