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Fluff but dom Minho

Around 2 600 words

"Dad, dad!" "What is it sweetheart?" Minho asked his daughter tiredly when she dashed into the living room. "Can we go play in the pawk?" She asked, clearly excited. Her dad sighed loudly but smiled nontheless. "Of course love, go get dressed." Lina was gone just as quickly as she came and Minho got up with another sigh.

He was so damn tired. He's just become the CEO of his company and became much more bussy. To all of that, he's a single father of a 5 year old girl, Lina Lee.

"Awe you coming dad?" Lina asked while practically jumping around Minho's legs. "I am, be patient Lina." He chuckled and helped his daughter put on her coat. After putting his own coat on he opened the door and locked it behind himself and Lina.

Lina was like an excited puppy seeing the world for the first time. "Wait for me Lina! We have the whole afternoon." But she was surprisingly really obedient. So she emidiately came back to Minho when he said so.

"You can go play, but don't go to far and be careful, okay?" Minho told and pecked her forehead before standing up and letting her run off. He watched as she made her way up the crawler and onto the slide. "Kids can get pretty unbearable, can't they?" Minho looked to his side and saw a face he wouldn't expect at all.

"Oh yeah. Uh hey hyung, watchu doing here?" Asked Minho back. "I'm also here with my kid, you know." "Oh. You must have a happy family Seonghwa." A sad tone could be heard in Minho's voice and of course, Seonghwa heard it. Being Minho's friend for a long time now, he noticed any change of his mood.

"Hey, you okay?" The older placed his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, it's just, Lina was only 4 years when her mother died. It's been a year already." Minho looked down with a sad smile. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know. We haven't really seen each other since a few months after graduation, did we." Seonghwa apologized and patted his friend's shoulder gently.

"Hey Hwa, what's going on here?" An oreo haired shorter male came towards them and had a questioning look on his face. "I was just chatting with Minho, he's my friend from college." He smiled at Minho, who just silently waved hi.

"And that's Hongjoong, my husband." He added with a shy smile. Minho shot a congratulating look at the now hands holding couple with a warm smile. But deep inside he felt a painful pinch.

"Hey guys? Do you happen to know any babysitter? I've become pretty bussy and I don't have any hands to put Lina into." Minho suddenly asked and pointed his head towards the playground where the kids of the friends happened to play with each other. Hongjoong pulled out a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket and began writing something down.

After a while he handed the paper to Minho and smiled. "It's a number of my friend's friend. From what I know he should be a babysitter, you can try calling him." "Thanks. I really need someone to take care of my daughter."

The three kept talking about random things until the kids ran to them with hungry expressions on their faces. So all of them decided to go to a nearby restaurant which they knew sells healthy and tasty food for kids.

"Han Jisung, who's calling?" Said the person from the other side of the phone. "Good afternoon, my name's Lee Minho. Kim Hongjoong gave me your number saying you are a babysitter. May I ask, is it true? Because I acually have a kid and I'm a pretty bussy person." Minho said with nervousness in his voice and the other person giggled.

"I acually happen to be a babysitter. So when and where can I meet you to discuss everything? If you still want me of course." "Oh yes, god thank you. Do you have time tomorrow 11 am?" "I do, text me the address mr. Minho." The man said and hung up. 'Weird' thought Minho, but was happy nontheless.

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