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The picture above is me last night and this oneshot is what I dreamed about... It was pretty😳

There's a one quick handjob here just so you guys know.

1093 words

Both the boys were breathing heavily, calming from their recent high. "That was... The best thing I've been through in my life." Minho cofessed looking deep into Jisung's eyes and the younger could just look away with red ears. "Hey hyung? Can we possibly have a-a round two?" The younger asked shyly and looking back at Minho with doe eyes as if he wasn't asking for a fucking session.

"What? No. Another time love, you are exhausted, I can see that." Minho said and with a groan colabsed next to Jisung. The younger pouted and with all the strengh he could get into his arms he pushed himself up and whined a bit at the pain already in his lower back.

"What do you think you are doing baby?" Minho asked sweetly and protectively at the same time. Without a word Jisung got on his knees and sat on Minho's stomach, it making a wet sound due to the white liquid dripping out of his hole and all over both their abdomens.

"Then let me cuddle you." Jisung said as he smoothly slid into a lying position, all his weight pushed onto the older's body. Minho smiled at his actions and saw the the pout still on Jisung's lip. He got closer and kissed the younger. The kiss was really sweet and full of pure love between the two.

When he pulled away he saw Jisung looking up at him with doe eyes and he began kissing and pecking his lover all over his face. When Jisung got a smooch on his cheek he didn't react at all, then one landed on the top of his ear, his nose, forehead, eyebrows, chin, every place possible. Jisung couldn't hold back his giggles anymore.

He then felt playful hands on his waist wiggling fingers a bit. That's what made him burst into cute laughter. "S-stop~" he whined when he catched his breath. "Why should I stop when your giggles are so cute that I would literally tickle and peck you and kiss you just to hear them?" "But if you acually killed me you wouldn't be able to hear them anymore." Minho lay there for a while, dumbfounded until he unexpectedly started smooching Jisung's face once again and getting adorable giggles.

He wouldn't stop so soon, but he remembered the actions of a few minutes ago. "Jagi get off me, I'll go prepare you a bath." He said and Jisung whined. "But I want a second rounddd" "And I said another time." The hands on Jisung's waist were quick to gather strenght and gently pit Jisung off of his body.

He got up and walked into the bathroom. Meanwhile in their room a certain still horny quokka decided he would have enough time to jerk off. So he took his already mid hard member into his hand and whined as it was still sensitive from previous actions. Starting with a slow pace he threw his head back with closed eyes, thinking about the hot male who minutes earlier was pounding deep inside him.

Arching his back when his hand got to a faster pace and moaning out his lover's name quietly. "Jagi the shower's re-" Minho paused right in his tracks when he walked back into the room and saw what he saw. "You can be really stubborn sometimes, can't you?" He chuckled and walked over to the now really red boy.

"Alright I will help you, but no more dick for your little pussy." He said as he picked the boy up bridal style and walked to the bathroom with him.  His sentence only made Jisung moan lightly as he felt the words going straight into his dick. He was gently placed into the warm water with a lot of bubbles, which the younger loved.

Minho sat behind him and let the smaller lay on his chest. "M-minho... it's starting to hurt." Jisung pleaded Minho, his member starving for some friction. Minho only chuckled at the younger's new born neediness when they literally fucked 15 minutes ago.

The worst thing for Jisung was, that the water had so many bubbles he couldn't see where Minho had his hands and when he was gonna do something.

Suddenly he felt a hand wrap around his dick and he yelped in surprise and pleasure too. "M-minho ahh" Jisung laid his head on Minho's shoulder. He was letting out deep huffs as Minho slowly moved his hand up and down.

Jisung's soft moans and whimpers going straight into his ear made Minho's hand go faster, like a good change of speed. "I-I'm c-clos-e" Jisung stuttered with another serie of moans. "You are so cute, you know that?" Minho chuckled making Jisung whimper at just his words.

"A-ah so c-close" Jisung kept on saying between the sounds he was making, clearly wanting Minho to fasten the pace his hand was at which was pretty impossible due to water slowing him down.

At one point Jisung finally came into the water, which was already dirty from their bodies anyway, the reason being Minho's other hand. He just wanted to clean the rest of semen in his butt, which meant more pleasure to Jisung because of the stretch. Jisung's chest was rising and falling quickly, the boy breathing heavily.

"It's fine, you did good." Minho reassured him while stroking his thighs.

After a while of cuddling in the water they got out, Jisung borrowing one of Minho's hoodies that was in the bathroom and somehow getting to bed without the help of his boyfriend. Minho on the other hand put on a sweatshirt with some shorts and got a baggier one for Jisung, assuming he didn't take these knowing him.

"Jisungie put on some shorts." He said, but lowered his voice when he saw the younger already passed out on their bed. He walked to him and carefuly dressed him into the shorts, not wanting him catching a cold.

He then crawled next to Jisung under the cozy blanket and the younger cuddled to his chest out of reflex. Minho ran his hand through Jisung's soft hair and he giggled softly in his sleep. Oh how Minho loved these soft sounds Jisung made. Along with the quokka himself, they made him the happiest person.

A kiss on Jisung's forehead was given by Minho and a sweet wish of goodnight was the last thing heard before complete silence of the night, except the slow breathing of the couple.

OMG I'm freaking out wtf have I just written?!

My music refused to listen to me today T•T when I was writing the fluffy parts it would play songs like icky and bite me and when the smutty part it would put songs like star 1117 or thank u

Anyway bye luvs

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