chapter tenth

278 16 1

(TW: mention of PA)

Sutton in the media
Daja ↓

Sutton in the mediaDaja ↓

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Daja's pov

"I have never been the same. Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame. And when you said "Hi, " I forgot my dang name. Set my heart aflame, ev'ry part aflame. This is not a game" I sang out as I cleaned up the breakfast mess Rell and Ti left.

I had just come back to Ti's condo when Rell called me tellin' me the news about Mama G.

I have been prayin' for that woman to get better for ages. When she told us the news about the cancer, you could hear a pin drop at how quiet we were.

Ti and Drew were so shaken up about it, then for all of this to happen with her and Rylee. Ti needed a good damn day.

She's been battling demons like it was Avenger's Endgame.

When Ti told us that Rylee had cheated on her, she wouldn't tell us who for the longest.

She claimed it wouldn't change the fact that she was cheated on, she said she felt like a cocksleeve.

That's so fucked up right?

Rylee's saggy ass was fucked up. She'd been known to hit Ti on multiple occasions.

She's lucky she ain't let me see, because I got hands and they can rumble.

Your next question will be, well why didn't I do anything about it?

Am I right?

I did do somethin' about it, a few times actually. When those girls had been dating for only two years, Ti came home from a night out with 2 broken ribs.

I immediately called the police and took her to the hospital, where Rylee was literally waiting for us. Preventing Ashton from actually talkin' about what happened to her.

Every time I tried to do somethin' after that, she was 2 steps ahead of me. It's like she had me bugged or somethin'.

We even tried callin' and makin' a report, but Ti didn't even want to be honest and say who it was.

So we just decided that when Ti was ready, she was going to have to leave. There was no way we were lettin' her marry that girl though, best believe that.

My mom always said, 'get rid of the bad egg in the basket before all y'all start smellin' musty'.

Rylee fuckin' stank. I've never liked her and I'll never start, but forget about her.

I told you I was cleanin' and now we all stuck in my head. It's almost like there's a narrator up there or somethin'.

I finished cleanin' up and started to make some brisket sandwiches to take over to the cancer center.

Since Mama G is doing better, I'm sure she'll love some real Texas food to eat.

While I cooked, I listened to the Hamilton soundtrack for my next audition. I've been working on small projects here and there, but landin' a role in Hamilton would really kickstart my career as an actress.

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