Chapter 2

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Dad pulls the car into the driveway and turns it off, I get out and pop the trunk and grab my bag before walking inside "hey ma" I say walking over to her and I hug her, dad walks in shortly after
"Hey Liz" dad says,

I let go of her and walk upstairs to my room. I close the door before grabbing the paper from my pocket that Nick gave me and I unfold it, it was a number I pull out my phone and text the number, Nick?, as I wait for an answer I hear a soft knock at the door "come in" I call out and Lyric opens the door and walks in "hey Lyric what's up"
"I heard you and dad come home, how was the show" Lyric asks
"It was great unfortunately dad didn't win the title but he did a great job" I say
"That's wonderful" Lyric smiles
"But Lyric it's twelve shouldn't you be asleep" I give her a sarcastic disappointed look, she nods before telling me good night and closing the door. I go back on my phone and I see a text,
Nick- Aria, what's up did your dad get mad
Me- No, he actually gave me permission to talk to you
Nick- See I never believed that Adam was a bad guy
Me- he's not a bad guy he's just very overprotective with his children
Nick- So... I was wondering if you wanted to go to Chicago with me, I have a show down there, my mom was supposed to come with me but she needed to do something back home so I have an extra ticket

This kid that I just met not even five hours ago is asking me if I want to travel into the states with him, I think for a moment or two before answering

Me- sure, I mean I'll need to find my passport but I'm down
Nick- shit I forgot that you were Canadian
Me- what's that supposed to mean
Nick- it's not to mean anything bad I just didn't realize until just now
Me- did you not know that my dad was Canadian
Nick- I knew I just didn't connect the dots till just now
Me- so when's the flight
Nick- tomorrow at noon
Me- alright I'll go to the hotel and pick you up around 11
Nick- sounds good, good night
Me- good night

I turn off my phone and walk out of my room and downstairs to see ma and pa sitting on the couch just talking "what's going on Ari" mom asks
"Nothing, I was actually going to ask" I pause for a second "Nick, invited me to Chicago with him, his mom was supposed to go with him but she bailed last minute"
Mom looks at dad and for a moment they talk with their eyes before dad looks at me "yeah, I mean you're 18 now so you're basically an adult and we talked about it you don't have to ask anymore, you just tell us" dad responds  "Thanks mom dad" I say before walking upstairs

I hop into the shower and when I'm done I throw on a sports bra and some shorts, I change my phone and drift off to sleep.

I have the weirdest dream ever, I open my eyes and stretch as I yawn, I turn off my alarm, as dad stumbles in absolutely tired "sorey" I say in my most Canadian apologetic voice, dad yawns before saying.
"You're car is in the garage so I moved my car last night, just have a safe trip" dad says
"Thank you pa, love you" I say
"I love you too dad says before closing the door

I look at the time and it reads 10:00, I get up and walk to my restroom and take an everything shower, when I'm done I walk out of the restroom and go to my dresser and throw on some underwear and my ripped jeans and a cropped top. I change and grab my duffle bag; I grab my toilet trees, a pair of street clothes and night clothes, a pair of shoes my shower stuff and my brush, perfume and deodorant, I grab my gear, charger before zipping it up I throw the bag over my shoulder before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs and out to the garage. I turn on my car, shit my passport, I get out of the car and run back inside and upstairs to my room to get my passport which was on my dresser, I walk into my parents room and they get startled awake
"I'm sorry I was just going to say that I'm heading out" I say
"Have a safe trip" mom and dad says
I walk out of the room and to the girls rooms, I walk to Lyric's bed and kiss her on the forehead and walk to Ruby's room and I kiss her on the forehead "I'll be back soon sweeties" I walk out of the room and down to the garage. I open the garage and pull out and head to the hotel.

I pull into the hotel and text Nick, here, within seconds he responds
Headed down
I turn off my phone and put it into the cupholder and just wait for him to come down.

The passenger door opens and closes, I look over to him, "good morning" he says looking at me
"Good morning, do you want some coffee" I ask as I put the car in drive
"Sure, do you guys have a starbucks" Nick says as he turns on his phone
"Yes but they aren't as good as Tims" I say and I can feel him looking at me, I look back at him "what" I ask
"What is Tims" he asks
"Oh, Tims is our version of StarBucks but better" I chuckle
"Well if it's better lets go to Tims" Nick says. I take a few turns and we are there, I go into the drive thru

"Hello welcome to Tim Hortons, what may I get you" the drive thru employee says
"Ah yes sorey, give me one second sorey" I say in my canadian accent
"Ah yes take your time" the employee says
I turn to Nick "have you decided what you want" I ask
He takes a look at the menu "the Caramel Iced Cappuccino" Nick says
"Do you want a food" I ask
"No thank you that's it" he answers
"Alright I'm ready" I say
"What may I get you" the employee asks
"One Caramel Iced Cappuccino, a Mocha Iced Cappuccino, and 2 old-fashioned glazed donuts" I answer
"Yes sorey, that was one caramel iced cappuccino, one mocha iced cappuccino, and 2 old-fashioned glazed donuts" the employee says in a very nice tone
"Yep, thank you" I answer.
"Pull up please" the employee says, I pull the car up to the first window, give them my card and we get our food.

We finally get to the arena, I grab my bag and cappuccino and Nick and I walk into the airport and to the gate
"Passports please" the airport attendant asks, I hand him Nick and my passports "may I ask what is your business going to Chicago"
"He has a wrestling show" I answer
"GCW" Nick adds
"You're Nick Wayne and Aria Copeland" airport attendant says extremely shock
"Guilty as charged" Nick smiles
"I know you guys are in a rush but can I get a photo my daughter loves you guys" he says, I turn to Nick 
"Definitely" Nick smiles, airport attendant grabs his phone and we squeeze in and pose for the photo
"Good luck on your match Nick" the airport attendant says, we grab our passport and tickets and walk onto the plane, I sit down at my seat and take a few deep breaths, god I always get nervous flying. 

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