Chapter 19

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I am in the patriarchy locker room ready for my first Heel appearance. Nick and I are just talking when Uncle Will walks in. "So you're dad's not here I heard" Will says "I guess not, I haven't seen him since Sunday" "wait you haven't been home since last week" Uncle Will says "I just been busy" I respond. As we continue to chat Will asks me how I feel about being with the House of Black.

"Damn I'm just really happy that I could branch out myself, but I just can't wait to fight Mone at Forbidden Door" I smile. "I see you got that brace off how do you feel" Nick says, I move my arm around, "it just hurts a little with the Copeland genes we heal fast" I chuckle. "Oh my god Aria" Will ruffles my hair, I shake my head "well your first heel appearance is in an hour how do you feel" Nick smiles side hugging me. "I hate when people hate me but I'm definitely ready" I smile leaning my shoulder on his head.

A few minutes later I walk over to my bag and grab all black clothes and my makeup bag and I walk over to the restroom. I change and throw on some spooky eye makeup and black lipstick.

I walk out of the restroom and I walk over to the couch where Nick's sitting, "awe my beautiful, beautiful spooky woman" Nick smiles wrapping his arms around my waist, I smile. I lean down and kiss him, "I'll see you later baby" I say walking over to the door but Will coughs dramatically, I look over to Nick and I see a stain of black on his lips, I chuckle.

I walk out to gorilla to see my boys Buddy Matthew and Brody King. "You ready for your first heel show" Brody asks, "not at all" I chuckle "you're going to do great Aria" Buddy side hugs me. "You guys ready" a producer asks "as ready as I'll ever be" I say, alright three, two, one. The House of Black music hits and the lights go out, we walk out and stand when a spotlight hits us.

The lights go out and we get into the ring, Matthew and Brody on both my sides, we stand there with a mic in my hand and the crowd boos me. "For years, I lived in the shadow of a giant. A titan who conquered the ring, who was adored by millions. Adam Copeland, the Rated-R Superstar, the legend. My father. But where was he when I needed him most? Where was the hero when his own daughter cried out for guidance, for a mentor, for a father?"

"He was never there for me. Too busy chasing his dreams, his glory, his legacy. And I, I was always there for him. Watching, learning, waiting. A shadow in the background, yearning to break free, to step into the light. But how could I grow when I was always cast in the silhouette of Adam Copeland?"

"I realized something. If I stayed by his side, I would always be just that–Adam Copeland's daughter. Not a wrestler in my own right, not a force to be reckoned with, but a mere extension of his fame. A legacy that wasn't mine. And that... that was something I could never accept." The crowd begins to stir, sensing the intensity and conviction in my words. The spotlight widens, revealing my face fully–eyes burning with determination.

"So I made a choice. I chose to betray the one who never truly saw me. I chose to step out of his shadow into my own destiny. To crave my own path, to write my own story. Not as Adam Copeland's daughter, but as a name that will be remembered, feared, and respected in its own right."

"You may see me as the betrayer, the ungrateful child. But I see myself as the emancipated, the liberated. No longer bound by the chains of someone else's legacy. I am free. I am fierce. I am my own person. And from this moment on, the world will know me not by his name, but by the name I forge with my own hands, my own blood, and my own sweat." I pause, my voice lowering to a near whisper, yet echoing powerfully through the arena.

"Adam Copeland, you taught me what it means to fight, to survive. But now, I will teach you what it means to be forgotten. To be overshadowed by the one you thought would always be beneath you. This is my time, my era. And I will rise, not as your daughter, but as the warrior you never saw coming." The lights come back on fully, and I stand tall, as the crowd boos with the words I just spoke. "Now let me get to more important business, Mercedes Mone," I couldn't finish when Mercedes music hits. I cock my head back and just laugh, I look over to Brody and Matthew to see them looking back at me with their hands crossed. "Aria Copeland" Mercedes says as the crowd cheers, "I see your arm is out of that bullshit sling" Mercedes says "doc says I'm not at a hundred but if you want to I will be your ass right here right now, in Los Angeles California." I say dropping my mic, and jumping out of the ring and walking up to her, while Brody keep me back "I'll see you in Forbidden Door," while her music hits and she walks away, "get back here you bitch, you scared, you fucking scared" I say trying to get out of Brody's arms. "Fuck you, I'll see you in Frobidden Door you bitch" Brody lifts me up and we walk to the back. I roll my eyes, before we walk through the curtains. "You did so great out there, first heel appearance down, and you got a title match at Forbidden Door" Nick says before hugging me "I love you my pretty boy" I smile, placing a hand on the side of his face. Nick leans down and kisses me. 

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