Chapter 9

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I walk up and check my phone, 9:00 AM, I lay back before rolling over and look at Nick, I smile before snuggling into his chest, he wraps an arm around me, I kiss him on the cheek before getting up and walking to the restroom. I brush my teeth and get ready for the day when I get a text from dad, Randy wants the group to get back together and we are getting some breakfast, do you want to come along, I text back with a hell yeah, I walk out of the restroom and walk over to my bag and throw on some jeans and a crop top with a black zip up hoodie before walking back to the bed. Nick sits up "where are you headed to" he asks in a morning voice

    "Uncle Randy wants to see the boys and my dad asked if I want to come along" I answer, Nick holds his hands out and I walk over to him, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me

    "Have fun" Nick says before kissing me again, I smile, Nick lets go of me and I walk out of the room and walk to my dad's room and we head to the restaurant.

    I see Uncle Randy and Kim, I walk over to him and hug him "how are you doing kiddo, your dad told me that you're a champion, I'm so proud of you" Randy says ruffling my hair

    "Thanks Uncle Randy, it's nothing much it's not like a world title which you are going after" I say letting go of him and we sit down at the table,

    "It's nothing I've been in the games for years, you just got into this so this is a big accomplishment and you are going to fight one of the biggest women's wrestlers of the current generation Mone" Randy says before taking a sip of his water "so don't be hard on yourself this is amazing for you, so have you found anyone after Andrew" I give him a death glare

"Let me excuse myself I'm going to the washroom" dad says before getting up, I start at him walk away, I look back to the table

"Yes, I have found someone else his name is Nick, he is a wrestler at my company, he is also apart of this group called the patriarchy with Uncle Will" I explain, Uncle Will walks in and handshakes Randy

"Are you telling Randy about Nickolas, don't worry Randy Nick is a really cool lad, he won't hurt our sweet little Aria," Will says

"Not cool but on another not can we not tell my dad about this, I don't want to tell him until I'm ready"

"Tell me what" dad asks walking up to the table and sitting down

"Aria is thinking about moving out" Randy blurts

"Oh shit, that's cool why haven't you been ready to tell me that" dad says

After talking and catching up for hours I check my phone and it's 2 and I see a text from the Jackson's that call time is at 2:30, "papa, Nicholas et Matthew viennent de m'envoyer un texto en disant que I'heure d'appel est à deux trente" I say (dad, Nicholas and Matthew just texted me saying that call time is at 2:30)

"William call time is at 2:30" dad checks his phone "and it's 2" he says

"We are going to head out but it was a great time catching up and good luck on your match next week" Will says wrapping it up.

"Have a great show" Randy says, we walk out and to the hotel and we grab our suitcase before heading to the arena.

As soon as we get to the venue I head to the patriarchy locker room, "you miss me" Nick says holding his arms out, I jump into his arms and he sits me onto his lap "so today we are basically going to kick the shit out of your dad how are you feeling" Nick says

"Terrible but I understand it's based on the storyline" I say

"I'm sorry baby" Nick says kissing me on the cheek

"Oh yeah by the way Randy gave you the stamp of approval" I say

"You guys talked about me, wait does your dad not" Nick asks flustered

"No he doesn't no, just for a little while my dad was in the washroom Will was the one that brought you up" I explain, Nick just does a little nod not entirely impressed

I throw on my merch the old man with no talent with Christian Cage's logo t-shirt, some black ripped jeans with a hot topic belt, my black and purple air jordans and a black ripped jean jacket. I grab my title and head to the promo section to see Renee setting up, I walk over "yeah Aria you ready" she asks

"Hell yeah," Renee does a little countdown before we go on the air

"I am here with my guest Aria Copeland, Aria you asked for this time what's on your mind" she asks while holding the mic towards me

"What's on my mind, for well over a month, I have had some trouble with the patriarchy and my father and tonight Daniel Garcia but I would like to pivot this back to me and my TBS championship" I say resetting the belt "since World's End I have only defended this title about three times and I don't like that and the You Can't See Me Guy has done I want to be a fighting champion, because what other reason do people hold titles just to flaunt how important they are no, well Christian does but I'm not Christian Cage I am the reigning and defending TBS champion so this Friday on Rampage I will defend this title against Skye Blue and this Saturday on Collision I will defend it once more against Willow Nightingale, because I am Aria Copeland and this is my era, thank you so Renee" I do a little head bow before walking off and I head back to the locker room.

"Wow two title defenses in two nights how do you feel" Nick asks

"Kind of nerve racking but me and TK thought this would be the best bet to show people again that I am not just Adam Copeland's daughter"

"More like you stormed into TK's office demanding two title defenses because you saw the tweets about people saying that you're just Adam Copeland's daughter" Nick looks at me with a BFFR face

"Same difference"

"Ay Aria Adam's match is next" Will says looking over to us

"Oh shit I'll see you out there" Nick kisses me and I run out of the locker room and to Gorilla.

Dad's theme hits and we walk out, do his little thing and make our way to the ring. Daniel Garcia's music hits and he does his little dancey dance and makes his way to the ring. I roll my eyes and shoo him away like I'm shooing a fly. Their match starts.

Dad goes for a submission move but as it's locked in Nick jumps the barricade and hits dad in the back and Killswitch jumps into the ring too. I walk over to the other side and check on dad before jumping into the ring and pushing Nick off Daniel and pushing Killswitch and trying to check on Danny but Nick pushes me to the side and they start the beat down again, I scramble to the ropes and try to check on dad, and just watch them so helpless when daddy magic grabs a chair but killswitch attacks him too then they jump back into the ring and Killswitch choke slams Danny, I just watch my hands in my hair near in tears. Nick grabs Danny and puts him on to the chair but dad grabs a chair and just starts beating them down and Danny rolls out of the ring Dad gets to Christian but Mrs. Wayne low blows dad. I cover my face with my hands and drop onto the matt, before removing them and they start beating them down and I yell while Nick hits a Wayne's world on dad and they get him up and Killswitch hits him on the back of the neck and christian grabs a chair and puts it under dad's head and Nick starts chirping at dad. Nick grabs me while he forces me to watch, Christian raises the chair up as I scream "noo dad, Uncle Will" and he hits dad with a con-chair-to and Nick drops me while pushing me to the side, Christian stands on dad while they just stand there admiring their work before leaving the ring, I scramble to my dad. Danny gets into the ring and I'm in damn tears, I look over to the medical staff before looking back at the patriarchy.

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