Chapter 4

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I get my gear bag and head downstairs to the kitchen "sorey, Aria I won't be able to go with you Ruby's sick and I should be here with her" dad says

"Don't be dad, I'll respond to Uncle Will's answer from World's End" I answer

"Sorry for my language but that was bullshit" mom says

"I definitely agree" I say as Lyric comes running up and hugs me, I ruffle her hair and she looks up at me

"But at least you won your match for the TBS championship" dad says, I unzip my bag and pull out the TBS championship

"It didn't mean anything" I chuckle, dad hugs me and tells me that he's proud of me "thanks pa but I need to be going"

"Alright love you Ari" dad says kissing me on the forehead and mom hugs me

"Be safe" mom says

"I will love you guys" I say, I bend down and hug Lyric "love you Lyric"

"I'm going to miss you" Lyric says

"I'll be back soon I promise" I say before heading to the garage, to my car and driving to the airport.

I take a deep breath, this is so scary, overseas again. Newark, New Jersey and I get a text from Nick; you'll be okay, I believe in you, you got this you can survive this plane drive. I smile, he's so sweet, I take a deep breath and I'm calm, I text him; thank you so much I'll see you in Newark. I start watching all the instructional stuff.


I grab my suitcase and backpack before calling an Uber to the arena. I walk to the patriarchy locker room looking for Uncle Will instead sitting there on the couch Shayna "um Mrs. Wayne have you seen William" I ask

"He'll be back in a few he took Nicholas to get some food" Shayna answers

"Sorey could I stay here until he comes back" I ask

"Definitely hun" Shayna says I walk into the room and put my bags down as I sit on a chair next to the couch and a few minutes later Uncle Will and Nick walks back into the room with bags of "McDick's and Uncle Will you didn't offer me any" I say

"Aria did you just call it McDick's" Nick says handing his mom her food

"Yeah McDick's why" I ask

"Sweetie they call it Mickey D's in the states, and yes I got you some" Will says

"Oh shit, what is it weird that we call it McDick's" I ask

"No not really, it was just a shock" Nick says

"Thanks Uncle Will" I say grabbing my food

"So is Adam not coming today" Will asks

"No little Ruby got sick" I answer

"Shit is she okay what does she have" Will asks

"It's just a cold"

"You can stay here" Will answers. I thank him and I start eating.

An hour later the show starts "I need to go" I say, grabbing my bag and I walk into the restroom and throw on a black shirt, blue jeans and a pair of black Air Forces and a jean jacket. I walk out of the restroom and put my bag down and I walk over to Nick and he grabs my hand, they start talking and he places this thumb and his finger on my chin and moves my head to look at him, I smile "you are so beautiful" Nick mouths, I smile "alright, I'ma head out" I say as I grab my TBS championship

"Good Luck" Uncle Will says

I walk out and head to the promo area "I'm here with the Youngest TBS champion Aria Copeland, congratulations on your win at World's End, coming into 2024 as champion how do you feel" Renee asks

"Renee, I feel phenomenal, I would feel much better if I was able to be champions with my dad, but Christian Cage is a piece of shit and took the contract from Luchasaurus, I'm sorey Killswitch and stole the TNT title, but it is neither here nor there, I'm here to talk about me, when I first joined AEW I was always a backseat player, helping others achieve their goals, but at World's End I official stepped out of that shadow by winning the AEW TBS Championship (I hold up the title), and now you're in the Aria Copeland era" I say before walking out off. I head back to the patriarchy locker room

"What was that" Uncle Will asks as soon as I walk into the room

"You know, I'm always going to be on my dad's side" I say

"Um you're phone went off, it's a text from your dad" Nick says handing me my phone, I grab it and read the text, watch your language, I chuckle

"What did Adam say" Will asks

"He told me to watch my language"

"Classic Adam" he chuckles

"What" Nick asks

"My dad, even though he allows me to curse on live television he still tells me to watch my language"

Nick and I share a seat just chatting and laughing, when William says "We need to get going"

"Alright good luck" I answer

"Thank you" Will says and they walk out the only one who stayed for a moment was Nick, I get up and he wraps his arms around me

"What are you doing buddy" I ask

"You're pretty" he says placing a hand on my cheek, I smile

"Nicholas we have to go" Shayna says, Nicholas kisses me on my forehead before walking out. I throw myself on the couch, god he's so cute but he's definitely tugging on my heart strings, he definitely doesn't like me, dude is just toying with me. I walk to my bag and change into a cropped Adam Copeland shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and a jean jacket.

William's theme song hits:

And they all walk out, and make their slow way to the ring. Shayna intersects the mic and she basically says that she's a mother and people should be ashamed of booing a mother

Christian starts talking about his title and no one will ever take the title from him

I walk out of the locker room and down to gorilla but I stop just outside of gorilla for the camera not to expose it, they're segment is over and a camera comes to find me and I look up "Christian Cage, you think you're done with Adam Copeland, nah not at all, my dad will be back and he will take that title from you, the title you stole from him, enjoy it while it lasts, cuz it's just a matter of time," I say and the camera fades to back.

The camera guy walks away and Nick walks to me "damn it feels like you put your entire heart into that" Nick chuckles

"Thanks Nick, I mean it was nothing" I smile

"No like that was perfect" Nick says wrapping his arms around me

"In the open"

"I mean if we get caught we get caught" Nick smiles, I look up at him before pushing him away

"You're annoying" I look away and I see Deonna Purrazzo coming up to us

"Hey you guys are the youngsters huh" Deonna says, my eyes go wide, shit it's my idol, Nick looks at me and sees that I'm starstruck

"Yeah, I'm Nick Wayne, this is Aria Copeland" Nick says

"Well you guys are doing a wonderful job, and congratulations on being the youngest champion" Deonna says with a smile

I laugh the stupid laugh when someone you look up to compliments you "thank you"

"Just keep doing what you guys are doing" Deonna says before walking into Gorilla.

"You okay, Ari" Nick says turning to me

"No Nick, Deonna is my idol and I've been waiting years to finally meet her" I answer, Nick just hugs me and kisses me on the forehead

"Nicholas" I hear Shayna's voice, he releases the hug and I look at her "you two are together" she says

"No, we are just friends" Nick says, I look up at him he definitely doesn't like me 

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