Part 19

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I felt like we were reliving a scene right out of "The Notebook" but I didn't care. Everything had worked out perfectly, just like I said it would. He set me down and began to talk. "You know I really like brownies" I giggled and put my arm around his torso as he put his around my shoulders. Danny walked me home that evening. Before I opened the door to my house, he ran up and kissed me once more. "See you tomorrow" he said, walking backwards across the grass. I noticed he started to blush. Danny tripped over the blanket I had left there and tumbled to the ground. I laughed and called "Bye Danny".I hurried up the stairs and sat on the ground against my bed. "This won't be that bad of a year afterall" I thought. I started to think of his smile, the kiss, the speech, everything that had happened tonight. I applauded myself for talking so much and standing up for Danny with Brian. Order was restored. No longer hanging with a crowd of stupid rich kids, a boyfriend and a best friend rolled into one, learning to be less awkward, I did pretty well these last few weeks.

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