cup noodles

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The morning light gently peaked through the blinds of Mina's dorm. Its rays warmed the pink-haired girl, making her wake up abruptly.

She propped herself up on her hands and rubbed her eyes. Kyoka was sound asleep at her desk. Some water, Tylenol, and cup noodles sat neatly on her mini fridge.

She was careful not to make too much noise as she snuck across the room to grab the water and Tylenol. There was a small note under the cup of noodles, probably left by Kyoka for when she woke up. Mina shoved it into her pocket, slipped on her slides, and left the room for her friend.

It was early Saturday morning. The only ones on campus who would be up and about are the tryhard students; even so, they would all be at the gym. Mina took her time heading down the stairs, skipping the elevator to avoid awkward encounters. She glanced at the dorm building behind her before slipping her earbuds in and jogging down the street.

Mustafu was still asleep, for the streets were empty and quiet. Vendors still needed to line the streets with hero merchandise and street food. Kids weren't roaming around in the hero costumes their parents bought them, hoping to get a glimpse of the next generation of heroes. The morning dew still rested on the plants around the area, and the sidewalks were slightly wet from last night's rain. In other words, it was the perfect time for a jog.

The cool air prickled her skin as she ran down the street. It was here that Mina could really take in and appreciate the beauty of the city she was in. The music blasting in her ears silenced the heavy thuds of her feet against the gravel. It silenced her thoughts, too. No longer would she have to think about the catastrophe that occurred last night.

Fuck She thought.

Her hands rested on her thighs as she huffed to catch her breath. Snapping at Tooru, drinking her anxiety away (unintentionally), and falling into Midoriya's arms, the night could not have gone worse. It was a miracle that she managed to get back to her dorm room.

She began walking to the children's park ahead, hoping the change of scenery would help her forget the events plaguing her mind.

Sometimes, she would skip Aizawa's lectures with Bakugou's friends. Oddly enough, Bakugou was never there. The gang always tried to rope them in, but he waved them off.

"Why would I skip class? Also, why would I want to hang out with you extras?!" He grumbled. "I let you guys hang around me once, and now it's turned into this!" He stormed off, mumbling about the importance of education, heroes, and extras.

Sero and Kaminari were in charge of bringing the food. Mina rounded everyone up, and Kirishima brought games in case they got bored.

The group took up shop by the swings, giggling and laughing at anything and everything, doing anything in their power to keep skipping.

Mina sat in the empty swing and pulled out her phone. She stared at the contact photo of her mother. It was a photo from Mina's childhood, baking brownies with her mother. The brown batter had gotten all over their faces, and they beamed innocent smiles into the camera as if nothing was wrong. Afterward, there was such a big mess, and no batter left that they called her dad to bring brownies on the way home instead. Tears started to well in her eyes, but she wiped them away quickly.

Allergies. She told herself.

She hadn't talked to her mother in three or four weeks. It was whenever the meeting with the school was. She had 78 texts and missed calls from her mother combined. She always meant to talk to her after; it's just that every time she went, her mind went back to the day in the office. Having to see her mother break as the teachers tried explaining what was happening to her, the look of disappointment she gave Mina was too much.

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