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It wasn't Mina's first time sneaking into a boy's room after hours. She had done it numerous times the previous summer with Minato. Yet, here she was, blushing violently as she and Midoriya crept through the hallways of the men's dorms. Now and then, their shoulders would brush against each other lightly. They would mumble an awkward "sorry" and keep moving. She was thankful it was so dark; he couldn't see how her cheeks turned a deep maroon.

Rumors floated around 2-A of a pop quiz in homeroom over the three topics they had been covering that week. Granted, this rumor originated in Kaminari, so its validity was questionable. Still, the two didn't want to take any chances!

The girl's side of the dorms and the living room were unusually crowded. There was a get-together with the kids from 2-B and 2-A; the pair received invitations but declined. It came as a surprise that Midoriya said no. When she asked him about it, he said, "I'm not feeling up to it," which was a lie, but she left it alone.

They came to a halt in front of his door. He let go of Mina's hand as he shuffled around in his pockets for his keys. He fished them out of his jacket finally, and with a turn of the knob, they were inside.

"I'm sorry about the mess," he said at once. He flipped the light on and immediately began picking up books off the floor. "It's usually cleaner than this, I swear; I just haven't had the time this week with school and..." His voice trailed off when his eyes fixed on Mina. She wasn't saying anything; she shifted awkwardly in the doorway.

All Might merchandise plastered Midoriya's room. It wasn't just posters, but his bed sheets, action figures, T-shirts—it was a lot. Still, it wasn't a total surprise. Everyone at U.A. knew how close Midoriya and All Might were and how he had been a fan of him for a while. It wasn't like they tried to hide it—if they did, they were doing a terrible job. It was cute, in a weird way.

The sound of the door closing behind her made Mina jump a little. It was just them, alone in the room now. Though it didn't matter, they were alone in the hallway less than a minute ago. Even so, her heart began to race as she walked over to her friend and joined him in cleaning.

"Nice room," she said finally. She grinned awkwardly at the freckled boy and sat the stack she had collected on his desk.

"Look, I can explain!" He exclaimed, and his face instantly turned red.

"You don't have to. I always knew you liked All Might," Mina shrugged. "I think midnight is cooler, though." With a teasing grin, she plopped down on his bed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. They were facing each other, legs crossed into their laps, feet slightly touching.

"So, "she said, shifting uncomfortably on the mattress.

"So," he hummed.

"Pre-Calc?" She smiled.

"Right, Pre-Calc," he echoed back. They both got off the bed and hauled their bags back to the workspace.

"Should we work somewhere else besides your bed?" Mina asked, flipping through her folders. "I'm never getting shit done when I work on mine."

Midoriya shrugged. "I mean, we could, but." He gestured to his desk,

which was now full of the books and papers that littered his floor. "We'd be here all night trying to clear a space to work."

Mina yawned. "Fine by me." They started discussing the unit circle and the memorization strategies that Present Mic provided for them. Midoriya was good at it, it seems. He flew through the trigonometric problems effortlessly, only looking at his cheat sheet once. Mina's answer boxes remained empty—only eraser marks and rough pencil scratches from the countless times she reworked the problem. A notification sounded from her phone, and she immediately dropped her pencil. She frowned when she saw the text and tossed her phone back.

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