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Mina reached Mr. Aizawa's classroom pretty early. The halls of U.A. were empty now, but they would be bustling with students at the beginning of the semester tomorrow. She finished her assignments around two a.m. that morning and was dropping off the papers to her respective teachers. Her homeroom teacher was her first stop. She knocked on the door frame and offered a smile.

"You can come in," he mumbled, not looking up from his laptop. He continued typing away until his student came to his desk.

"Here are the packets you assigned over break, Mr. Aizawa." Mina reached into her bag to grab the stack of work her teachers gave her to finish. It was full of highlighter marks, staples, and paperclips. She pushed it gently onto her teacher's desk. He raised an eyebrow at the pink-haired girl but took the stack of papers, not bothering to flip through any of them, and dropped them in his desk drawer.

"I'll get to grading them this week." He took a sip from his coffee, eyeing his student. She stared at him expectantly, and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Is there something else you wanted to address with me, Ashido?"

There was. Mina bit her lip. She knew the answer to the question she wanted to ask her homeroom teacher, so she let it go. "I just wanted to share my good feelings about the semester." She gave him a fake smile and started zipping up her book bag. "I'll see you on Monday, Mr. Aizawa." She slipped the bag on her back and began to exit the classroom when her teacher called out to her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your mother," he said randomly. She turned back to look at her teacher.

"I'm sorry, but how did you know about that?" Mina took a few cautious steps back into the classroom.

"She emailed me not too long ago, asking about updates on your schoolwork. She also disclosed that she spoke to you recently." He started. He stood up from his desk and turned to look at Ashido. "I should have told you I talked to your mother about your living arrangement."

He bowed his head. "For that, I am sorry, Ashido,"

"Oh no, no." She shook her hands. "You don't have to apologize; it's fine!" Her cheeks turned a light shade of lavender, and having a teacher apologize to you was embarrassing. Aizawa raised his head and nodded.

"I needed to talk to my mom, anyway," she sighed. "It's nothing you need to worry yourself about, honestly. But I'm going to go now!"

She motioned to the bag in her bag. "Lots of papers to drop off; not a lot of time!" She slipped away before her teacher could continue the conversation.


The day had finally come—the start of the semester. She rolled out of bed and went to the hall's bathroom. Hopefully, no one will see her there this early. The girl in the reflection of the dirty bathroom mirror stared at her with a puzzled look. The bags under her eyes made her look wider than they already were. Her hair had seen better days; she made a mental note to do something with it that weekend. Staring at whatever was in the mirror was uncomfortable. The creature looked like it was decaying like it had no life. There is no way that could be Mina Ashido.

"Pull yourself together, Mina," she mumbled. She splashed some water on her face, trying to wake herself up. "You can feel sorry for yourself later; it's time for school now." She walked over to one of the vacant showers with her caddy and shower shoes and began to unpack.

After her shower, she began her 7-step skincare regimen. She liked skincare; it gave her some structure to her day and made her feel grounded, not to mention how soft it made her skin. She looked in the mirror again; she still didn't look like herself, but it would do for today.

Back in her room, she rummaged in her closet for her U.A . uniform. Although she just washed it, it was lodged somewhere in her closet. She slipped her socks and loafers on and brushed out her skirt.

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