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Mina woke up to a familiar face in her room. Well, not exactly. Mina couldn't see her, but it wasn't too hard to figure out where she was when her mini fridge opened on its own, and pink Monsters started floating in the air. It didn't help that a random Moo-Moo was randomly in the air, too. She couldn't let the chance pass her; Tooru had avoided her all week. She pushed down the uneasy feelings bubbling inside her and braced herself to talk to her friend.

"If you wanted some of my stuff," she paused, her voice wary. "You could have asked. I would have gladly given them to you, Tooru."

Mina slipped off her bed and began walking towards the invisible girl. She could feel it in her chest; she was nervous. Days of avoiding each other led to Tooru stealing monsters from her fridge. Maybe Mina should have questioned it when some of her snacks went missing earlier in the week, but Kyoka had been crashing there so much that she dismissed it.

The dress turned around to face her. The energy drinks rested gently on the mini-fridge. The silence seemed to go on forever. Mina was holding a staring contest with nothing at all in her room, but she was determined not to lose it.

"I should go," Hagakure said at once. Without wasting a moment, the invisible girl began stumbling through the mess on the floor. At least Mina figured she was stumbling since a path cleared the floor.

"Wait!" Mina called. She swatted the air, hoping to grab onto her arm, but she grabbed her dress instead. "Sorry!" She instinctively pulled her hand back.

"I've just wanted to talk to you since that night," Mina began, trying to gather her words. "Look, I'm really..."

"Cut the bullshit; I've been trying to talk to you, too," Tooru scoffed. "You keep running away from me, Mina. Come on now; I thought you were better than that." Mina scrunched up her face at Tooru's words.

"Literally, when?" Mina folded her arms. She closed her eyes briefly, and her mind wandered through every memory she had from the last few days.

"You're unbelievable; you know that." The invisible girl scoffed again. "Hello? That day in the lunchroom? Honestly, Mina, I don't know how you'll spill something on me twice and then act like you have no recollection."

She thought back to the lunchroom, where Midoriya and Uraraka had distracted her. She spilled her food all over herself and another person, but by the time she turned around, the other person was gone.

Her eyes widened as the realization hit her:" That was you?!"

"Yes, that was me!" She spat. "Seriously, after being friends for so long, you would think you would know when I was there." Mina's bed creaked a little as Tooru made her way into it.

The horned girl frowned. "Alright, well, you were naked, and the administration has talked to you about the inappropriate use of your quirk on campus. " Mina unfolded her arms again and sat with her estranged friend. "I thought you stopped."

"Well, it's obvious you didn't think clearly," Tooru mumbled. As bubbly as Tooru was, she could be pretty sarcastic around her friends. It's cute at first until someone tries to have an authentic conversation with her, and she gets tired of her cute girl act and drops it.

This came to a head when, last year, she finally scored a date with Ojiro. Sadly, it ended terribly, with Ojiro ghosting her at a steakhouse. They tried prying the answer from the boys,

A few girls in 1-A spent the night trying to get through to the invisible girl about how not everyone can appreciate sarcasm. Kyoka described it as arguing with a wall and deemed it hopeless.

"Look, you have a lot of nerve breaking into my dorm, stealing my drinks, and then trying to argue with me after not speaking to me for a while," she said sternly. An awkward silence falls between the pair. Mina gives a heavy sigh. "Look, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you at the party and then just now. I'm sorry for spilling things on you, too. I didn't mean to come off like that."

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