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 Her hero uniform fit snuggly, which surprised Mina after she had lost so much weight last semester. She gave herself a twirl and frowned; perhaps the back was a little too tight. She made a mental note to run by the uniform department to request changes. She could head to Mei's dorm for some last-minute alterations in this scenario.

"Looking good," Kyoka called. She shut the door tightly to the locker room and peered around. The two were inside, and a few girls were in the showers.

"It feels weird," Mina huffed. "Being in this again. I can't remember the last time I tried it on. I think it's too small." She demonstrated for her friend by sticking her arms out and twirling around.

"I see what you mean." Kyoka winced. "The pants fit you so tightly around the legs; the last time I saw you wearing them, they didn't look that tight."

Mina groaned and plopped down on the bench. "I mean, I guess it's not a big deal; have you seen other people's uniforms?! This is a blessing compared to what some students have to wear." She whispered. Right on cue, a group of first-year students emerged from the showers wrapped in towels. The younger girls gushed about their hero costumes as they changed. The shorter of the two pulled out hers—a tiny toddler outfit with holes all over it. They're bodysuits that grow to your body; they're trendy in the West and used as clubbing outfits. It wasn't clear why a 14-year-old needed to be wearing a club outfit, especially a hero suit. The pair quickly waved to the girls and waited for them to exit the locker room. The whole time, Mina kept playfully hitting her friend to prevent her from busting out laughing. Once both underclassmen had left the restroom, the pair busted out laughing.

"Anyway, I could have sworn we put them on for a defense refresher course last semester." Kyoka yawned, wiping a tear from her eye. "Oh, God, my sides hurt."

"We did? When?"

"Like December? I think it was around practical exams at the beginning of the month." Kyoka trailed off. It took little effort to remember early December. The month was a blur for a reason; bedrotting.

"Anyway," she said, clearing her throat. "I can't help but feel giddy!" She extended a hand to her friend, and the raven-haired girl took it and pulled herself up. The thought of returning to the world and learning from top heroes kept her going. She had completed her therapist appointment, met her mom, and now it was time to enjoy herself!

"I haven't done hero work in a hot minute! I'm ready to go!" Mina cheered. Kyoka stayed silent; her lips curled into a small smile at the sight of her horned friend.

"Where's the enthusiasm?" Mina packed up her school uniform in her locker before slamming its door. "Access to internships with the top Hero agencies in Japan is why people come to the U.A, y'know."

"I know," Kyoka yawned. She slammed her locker and slipped on her shoes. Let's just get this over with." She walked past her friend wordlessly and held the door open with her foot.

"Kyoka?" Mina asked. "Everything alright?" Kyoka twisted her fingers around her ear jacks, as she always did when something was on her mind. Finally, she blew a strand of hair out of her face and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, yeah, just peachy; now let's go!" I can't have you late for your first internship." Kyoka teased. Mina cocked a suspicious eyebrow towards her friend but slid past her anyway. She would try to pry Jirou's behavior out of her when they went to lunch after internships. She had something more important to focus on, anyway.

— -

By itself, the Nighteye agency stood tall on the outskirts of Mustafu. She had never seen Nighteye's old office—well, not Nighteye, but Centipeder. If she recalls correctly, Midoriya went along with Togota in the third-year class last year. She saw him wipe some tears away as he watched his third-year friends pass by; he would never admit it, though. She smiled at the memory; she hoped he was doing well for himself. Going out into the real world was already hard enough on its own, but going out without your quirk? That's got to be rough, man. She shook the past out of her mind. She had a job to do, and she was going to do it well.

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