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╭──────────── CHAPTER FIVE ─────────────╮


❝You are prettier than in pics❞


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"Hey, I think you dropped your phone..." Jude said to me with a smile.

I turned around, and there he was, smiling at me. My heart skipped a beat. He had my phone in his hand, gesturing to give it back to me. I was very nervous; I didn't even know how to react. So, I took the phone and responded.

"Oh... Uhm... Sure, that's mine," I said with a nervous laugh. I took the phone and stood there, feeling awkward. I was so nervous that I seemed foolish; there were a few seconds of silence.

"Yeah, that's why I'm giving it to you," he chuckled a bit and then said, "Are you going to the Fashion Week this Friday too?" He smiled while looking at me. I had to look up because the guy was quite tall. I saw an opportunity to tell him that I would be performing there.

"Yeah! Actually, I'll be modeling on Friday. Will you be there?" I had just asked him if he would be there, even though I had seen in one of his Instagram stories that he had confirmed his presence. And on top of that, I gave it a like? Well, that's how my mind works when I'm nervous; I seem slow.

"Uhm, yeah, I'm gonna be there. I thought you knew since you liked my story," he said, letting out another laugh. I think he noticed my nerves, and that's why he kept laughing when he responded.

"Oh, right, I forgot," I said, joining in the little laugh he was having.

"Do you have something to do today? I mean, if you want, we can go down to the hotel's game room later and spend some time there. I have nothing to do today, free day," he said, still looking at me with that smile. I was getting mesmerized as I looked at him; I just hoped he didn't notice.

"Uhm, no, actually, I have nothing to do today. We can go down later if you want," I said while smiling. The truth is, I hardly had anything to do almost any day, only when I have a photoshoot or a runway show coming up.

"Okay, so later I'll message you. Bye, Ella," he said, using my name. He knew who I was. I got nervous and replied, "Bye, Jude," with a smile as I quickly turned around, returning to my table with breakfast ready.

I reached the table, and there was my brother, looking at me with a smirk. "Wasn't he your little friend you talked so much about?" he said with a teasing laugh. "It looked like you were about to pee yourself while he was in front of you."

"Why don't you shut up?" I said, trying to hold back a smile. My brother had witnessed everything. I hoped he hadn't heard my conversation, although I didn't have much to hide, honestly.

Chico and I finished breakfast, and he told me he was going out for a while. I told him i'm not, that I didn't feel like it, and that he should go, that I would rest, but it was obviously a lie. The first thing I was going to do was make a video call to Amelia to tell her everything that had happened, and then I was going to go down with Jude to the game room. So, that's exactly what I did. After going up and closing the door of the room, I called Amelia.

We were on the call for at least almost 3 hours for Amelia to help me decide what to wear for my game time with Jude. We spent so much time on the call, and time flew by so quickly that it was already time for lunch. But since my brother had gone out this time, I had to go down alone to eat. So, I got dressed with everything I had decided with Amelia, hoping and wishing not to stain myself with food since this was what I had to wear for the meet-up with Jude.

TANGLED WHISPERS | JUDE BELLINGHAMWhere stories live. Discover now