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╭──────────── CHAPTER SEVEN ─────────────╮


❝I was just looking at you❞


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It was already morning when we headed to the airport for our return to Madrid. We had to wait for quite some time until we were finally called to board our flight from Paris to Madrid. When I got on the plane, I fell asleep quickly, even though this time the three of us managed to sit together. However, I was quite tired after going to bed somewhat late the previous day.

After landing, my brother and I took a taxi to our new home, which was already prepared. We were eager to see where we would be staying, where we would live from now on. We said goodbye to Amelia before getting into the taxi, and she headed to where she would be staying for the next few months.

After a roughly half-hour journey, we finally arrived at our house. I was very excited after so much time; I couldn't wait to see everything, especially my room, which still needed some decorating.

- Ella and Chico's house -

That was our new house, quite cute and modern

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That was our new house, quite cute and modern. I liked it a lot, especially because it felt very cozy. My brother and I arrived very excited to finally be there and make that big change.

Upon arrival, my brother started to take out the two suitcases, and I headed to my room, which only had the most basic things as I wanted to decorate it myself.

From here, the week passed quite quickly. I didn't do much; I met Amelia a couple of times, had a brief conversation with Jude through a couple of messages, went shopping for everything I needed to decorate my room, and my brother and I also bought the things we were missing in the house since it was our first week there. Overnight, it was already Frida, the day, the day I would have my date with Jude Bellingham.

I woke up and got out of bed with quite some energy because I knew I would have my date with Jude today, but I was also somewhat nervous. I went downstairs, and there I found my brother.

"Hey, want something to eat?" he said with a smile, handing me a plate with a fried egg and toast. He also gave me my chocolate shake.

"Thanks," I said with a smile, still half asleep. After a while, as I finished breakfast while looking at my phone, I received a message


Judee <33

TANGLED WHISPERS | JUDE BELLINGHAMWhere stories live. Discover now