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╭──────────── CHAPTER SIXTEEN ─────────────╮

- Need to learn -

I still feel those same things for you❞



Judee <33

Hey Ella

Are we meeting up today?

Yeah sure

You can come this afternoon to my home

You have my location right?

Judee <33

Yeah I have it

I will come in the afternoon then

Do you want me to bring something?

What do you mean?

Something for?...

Judee <33

Are we just meeting up for five

Surely not!!

What are your favorite chips

Oh alright


I like pringles

But the onion and sour cream ones

Judee <33

Alright alright

I will bring a few more things too

How long am I going to stay?

Do you want to have dinner at
my home?

Judee <33



Then bring some food, like
McDonald's or smth

Judee <33


See you later beautiful


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After spending the entire morning doing household chores, I had been talking to Jude. I was still somewhat upset that he hadn't spoken to me for at least a week, but he seemed unconcerned, calling me "beautiful" and such.

I also tidied up my entire room because it was messy, and I didn't want Jude to see my house all disorganized. On the other hand, my brother didn't mind that this "friend" I mentioned was coming over since he would be out all day today. In fact, he would be out for a few days for some television program or something; I didn't delve much into what he was going to do.

TANGLED WHISPERS | JUDE BELLINGHAMWhere stories live. Discover now