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╭──────────── CHAPTER ELEVEN ─────────────╮


❝You're invited, by me❞


The week had passed so quickly, so quickly that today was already the day to go see Jude at the match. Jude played in Madrid, at the Santiago Bernabeu, and I had planned to arrive there about an hour before, but I also didn't know what I had to do when I got there. What had Jude invited me for? Well, I suppose that would be it.

I was nervous all day, thinking about the match and everything that would happen. The morning also passed very quickly as I spent several hours talking to Amelia about what could happen and what I had to do this afternoon at Jude's match. She also helped me choose my outfit and wished me good luck; she was confident that it would go great, and I had the confidence too.

It was already in the afternoon, a few hours before the match, so I decided to text Jude, who took a bit to reply, but I guess it was because of the match he had today.


Judee <33

Hey Judeeee

I'm so excited for today

But I do have a question

Like what the fuck do I say
when I arrive there???

Judee <33

Hi Ellaaaa

Just say I invited you

And give them your passport
or something so they can verify

I already told them that you
are coming

Ohh alright alright

Just wanted to make sure

Judee <33

So excited to see you today
I'm serious

I will make sure to score a
goal for you today 😉😉


I hope so

I will be seeing it from
first row 🤭

Judee <33

Gotta go Ella

See you later beautiful 🫠

Bye Judee 🫶

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh my God, Jude had said goodbye to me, calling me beautiful. I was already getting nervous, and there was still an hour before I left. I went downstairs to tell my brother about my plan, which he didn't know about.

"Hi Chico," I said, smiling as I came down, all dressed up and formal to see Jude. I wore a short black dress and high-heeled boots.

"Hi Ella, where are you going?" he said, smiling, he seemed to be anticipating what I was going to say.

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