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╭──────────── CHAPTER SIX ─────────────╮


❝Ella, you were stunning❞


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It was almost five in the morning when my alarm started ringing, reminding me to get ready for my flight, which was scheduled for seven-thirty in the morning. I got up quite quickly because I didn't sleep well due to nerves about what would happen today. I couldn't believe that I would be modeling at Paris Fashion Week.

I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and started doing my makeup as best as I could, even though they would change my makeup for the runway. But for my arrival, I wanted to look beautiful. It wasn't even 6 when someone started pounding on my door in a hurry. I decided to open it quickly, thinking it might be something urgent, and there she was, Amelia.

"What are you doing? Why are you knocking like that?" I said, laughing a bit, embracing her as we hadn't seen each other for quite some time.

"I'm very nervous. I can't believe where we're going, and we have to hurry," she said, somewhat nervous. She was even more nervous than me. I just laughed a bit and said, "Relax, we still have time. Let me finish freshening up a bit, and I'll let my brother know." I told her as I entered the bathroom. She left some of her things on the bed and came into the bathroom with me.

"How's it going with your new boyfriend, huh, Ella?" she said, laughing a bit and giving me a little elbow nudge. I responded, "Oh, come on, stop saying nonsense."

"You know you like him, even if it's just a little bit," she said, still laughing beside me as I finished touching up my makeup. "He's nice, and he's quite handsome," I said, and we both laughed.

Some time passed, and now we were heading to the airport: my brother, Amelia, and me. I think we were all a bit nervous about going there. When we arrived, we went through all the necessary controls and waited for our flight, which departed at a quarter to eight, running a little late but with plenty of time to spare. The flight didn't feel very long to me, I don't think to anyone. My brother slept through the whole thing, and Amelia and I spent the entire two-hour flight talking about everything happening with Jude and what would happen today. We were genuinely excited.

We arrived at the airport where guards escorted us to the exit, where a black car picked us up. Guards? A black car? I had never experienced anything like this; I felt like Beyoncé. We looked like celebrities, although my brother was one, I had never felt this way. This car took us to a hotel where many celebrities and models were staying, along with their families. Amelia and I were placed in the same room, while my brother decided that he would be fine in another room. We prepared a bit in the room, and I decided to check Instagram, where I saw a story from Jude with his brother Jobe, showing that they were already in Paris too.

Jude Bellingham's story on Instagram

Jude Bellingham's story on Instagram

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