Chapter 1: She's beautiful

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I was enjoying a shot of whiskey at the bar after a long day, in which I reorganized my apartment and visited the city. Tonight everyone was partying, like always in this city it seemed. The music was loud, and girls were dancing on the tables. One of them was a beautiful blonde woman in a black dress. I was totally checking her out, we even exchanged flirtatious looks, but then she answered her phone and left. I sighted before going to dance and take another drink. After a few hours, I saw her come back but she was talking with a guy, pretty handsome I must say, so I didn't try to dance with her.

Well at first... but then I made my way to her hoping to maybe buy her a drink, when out of nowhere she said to the guy « But this one is coming with me. » And she literally drag me by my arm outside. I could see she had a few drinks in her system but so was I, so I followed her because why would I say no. I was literally hoping to dance with her so if she wanted to do god knows what with me I was okay.

We enter her house, well more like a huge a mansion, her hand around my arm guiding me in.

« Nightcap ? She asked. You'll find bourbon on basically every horizontal surface.

- That's cool, but before that I'm Y/n, I smiled.

- Freya, she said smiling back.

- Beautiful name for a beautiful woman, I smirked.

- You're a flirt I see, but let's skip to the fun part, she said kissing me. »

She put her hands on my neck while kissing me and I put mine on her waist.

« Freya, it's about time you brought someone home to meet the family, a guy said making us pull away. I'm Freya's brother, and you are? Wait let me search, is it Karen, Stephanie, no let's go with Tiffany. What are your intentions toward my sister, should we discuss dowry ? he said while black veins appeared around his eyes.

- The name is Y/n, I said putting my hand forward for him to shake clearly too drunk to be scared.

- I think you haven't get it, he said taking my hand. Leave, he said coldly, shaking my hand.

- I think that Freya makes her own choices, I answered smugly.

- Leave, he said, tightening his grip until it hurted me.»

But before I could answered, my hand started pulsing with a soft red, and I felt an energy travelling my body while the guy took a step back.

« What the fuck ? What did you do ? I asked him confused.

- He didn't do anything, you did, Freya answered with shock.

- Okay then what the hell did my hand turn red when he started to break my goddamn hand ? I said soothing it.

- You're a siphoner, Klaus intervened.

- A what ?

- A special kind of witch, Freya added.

- Right, totally, I laughed. We all definitely drank too much tonight. I'll go home, maybe I'll see you at the bar Freya, I said leaving them while laughing. »

I arrived at my house, a bit confused about what happened tonight but I decided to only remember that I kissed Freya, and I went to sleep.

However, when the sun was shyly rising, I woke up with flames surrounding me, yelling in pain. My apartment was on fire. I quickly took my bag in the corner with my phone and left but as soon as I stepped from my room the fire stopped. What the hell. I coughed because of the smoke I had inhaled, before looking at my wounds that were hurting me. I had severe third degree burns on my arms, jaw and torso but I didn't know where the nearest hospital was because I was only living here since last month. I could literally see my rib, so I went to Freya's house. The sun had already risen, when I came limping into the mansion. When I arrived a man was half chained and the guy from last night and a woman were fighting, they also moved with what seem like super speed up the stairs before she stopped yelling at him and took a girl into her arms. I definitely had a smoke inhalation...

« Bad timing ? I asked making everyone looked at me.

- Y/n ? Freya gasped seeing my body.

- I don't know what the hell is a siphoners or if witch fucking exist but seeing that your brother as super speed, I'll take my chance that you can help me. I woke up with my bedroom on fire, like you can see, I said showing my torso. And when I stepped out of my apartment it stopped. So can you help ? And what the hell is wrong with this city... I finished mumbling and losing balance. »

Before I could fall the man in a suit that was at the opposite of me caught me.

« Elijah ? Freya asked him.

- Here, Y/n drink this you'll get better, he said nodding at his sister»

I looked at me like he was going to laugh but seeing all their serious looks I drank it and miraculously I started to heal. It was painful at first but then I was all new, well except from my half burn shirt.

« Thank you ?...I trailed off waiting for his name.

- Elijah, Elijah Mikaelson. And you are Y/n ?

- Just Y/n.

- No family name ? He insisted.

- Grew up in the foster system, my family abandoned me, I said like it was no big deal.

- I know how it feels like. I might also know why you grew up in one, the woman with the child said.

- Well enlightening me then, I answered sarcastically, standing up from Elijah's arm.

- Don't talk to her like that, the chain guy snapped.

- Jackson it's okay, she seems new to this. A friend of mine told me about a witch coven that would abandon their member if they were siphoner. You might be a gemini witch.

- And what can I do ? I kill small animals and swim in their blood to stay young forever ? Or maybe summoned demons to earth ? No no I know, I fly on a broom at night, I deadpanned.

- Is that how people see us ? Freya said raising her eyebrows. But no. You take the magic, the source of power of supernatural beings to create your magic unlike the regular witch that can do it on their own.

- Nice nice nice, I laughed. So what witches, werewolves , vampires and dragons exist ? Maybe centaurs too, right ? Should I buy garlic and silver bullets when I go out now ?

- Not dragon and centaur, Elijah said. But the rest do.

- I'll show you, the now unchained Jackson smirked, making his eyes flashed yellow and fangs come out of his mouth.

- Holy shit, I whispered before fainting and hitting my head against the floor. »  

A/N : I'll publish a new chapter every monday and friday if I don't forget ! (I have 24 already prepared)

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