Chapter 16: Revenge

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In the morning we saw Vincent who told us that he was able to bring back the part of Davina's spirit that was missing but she would still need rest and not to practice strong magic for a while. He said that maybe her mind would never heal and the small moment of lucidity would be all that we have. He also severed the connection with the Ancestors so the witches could become the responsible of peace just like they should be and not harbinger of chaos.

Marcel had called vampire from everywhere, he was on a path of war, a war to kill the Mikaelsons. I was on his side but deep down I knew that I couldn't kill Freya or Hayley, maybe even Klaus because I was now his sire, but I would have no remorse to rip apart Elijah.

Kol had taken his family's side, even after everything that happened he couldn't let them die, and I wouldn't kill him either because Davina loved him.

We entered the Mikaelsons's house followed by a vampire crowds, the most part where part of Klaus sireline that was now broken. Klaus seemed relieved to see Marcel alive and tried to talk but the damage was done, Elijah tried to say that his angered was against him but Marcel didn't care, he knew that attacking one of them meant attacking them all and that he was ready for The Fall of The Mikaelsons.

« You're with him Y/n ? Kol said.

- I'm sorry pal, but I can't let this crime go unpunished, first Davina, second Marcel, am I next ? I thought you would be on our side too but I get why you're not, don't worry, I smiled.

- You know that if Klaus died...he trailed off knowing I had taken his blood and since it happened after Davina severed the line I was his sired.

- I know, that's a risk I'm willing to take to kill Elijah.

- What about Freya ?

- You know I love her, I won't kill her but she'll grieve.

- Davina wouldn't want this, he said looking at me and Marcel.

- Don't mention her name, if it weren't for you, she would still be okay ! And Y/n wouldn't have died ! Marcel yelled lunching to Kol. »

After a long fight, Marcel bites him before snapping his neck. Elijah and Klaus started attacking him. I joined them to equal the fight. Klaus tried to give him a right hook but I deflected his kick with my magic. Marcel used the distraction to push away Elijah before he could land a single punch. Klaus vamped to me, kicking me in the face, I dodge him but he was stronger than me and gave me a powerful blow to the chest that made me fall to the ground.

I coughed blood and saw Marcel bite Elijah's arm. The crowd was cheering him while Klaus was watching helplessly, I pushed him back using my magic. His hybrid face appears charging to us but suddenly Rebekah showed up interfering.

« Stop ! She yelled.

- Rebekah, Marcel said.

- Hayley has Hope and Freya. Take our brothers and go Marcel will not hurt me, she said looking at Klaus. Neither will Y/n. Not, if they know what's good for them, she said before Klaus left.

- I've only got a short while before I go mad, she told us looking at her wrist with the cursed skull. Your explanation better be quick and it better be good.»

We went upstairs to discuss the matter privately and after a long explanation, Rebekag asked us to cure them, she knew she couldn't defend them but they were still her family. But I broke her last hope when I told her there was no cure.

Elijah was going to die, so was Kol even though for him it broke my heart because I knew that Davina would be mad at us when she would be back to normal. Rebekah asked him if she was next, but Marcel's answer was obviously no. Rebekah seemed disappointed by his actions and told him that the man she loved wouldn't be, judge, jury and executioner. This seemed to touch him because he accepted to have justice for Klaus, a trial for his numerous sins.

Klaus entered the Mikaelson compound where everyone was waiting.

« The great Klaus Mikaelson has decided to grace us with his presence ! Look at all these faces, all your sire, angry ones. They're all yours. Do you remember him ? Or him or her ? You turned them for stupid stuff before making them kill everyone they loved.

- Yes yes yes. My sins were terrible indeed. But they taught the world to fear me, and that fear protected my family.

- You wouldn't have to protect them if you hadn't turned all of these people. You are the one who built your family enemies. You created Aurora, Lucien, Tristan and even Marcel, I said to everyone.

- I could have left Marcel nameless and alone but I didn't. I took him and made him like all the people here.

- I guess you made everyone here in your image. Angry... paranoid... merciless. You made us and abandoned us, you took away everything from us. Now you must pay ! Marcel affirmed now cheered by the crowd. »

Rebekah started to take his brother's defense, but soon her wrist started burning and she changed. She was mad, like she liked to say, and now she wasn't defending him anymore. She said that he was a liar, that we killed everything that we touched, his mother, his fathers, daggered his siblings forbidding them to find love. She was full on yelling at him, only anger in her eyes. After a moment, the only sound we could hear was the crowd yelling « Kill him, kill him ! » , but after Klaus talked everyone changed their mind he needed to suffer a fate worse than death, torture.

And for that Marcel had the perfect tool, Papa tunde's blade, a blade imbued with dark magic that will cause unending agony to Klaus.
I took the blade from Marcel's hand, while he spoke and approached Klaus, whispering into his ears so only we could hear since we were covered by the yelling, « I'll protect Hope and Hayley, don't worry Klaus. I'm sorry it has to be this way but your brother went too far this time. » He didn't say anything back but smiled before nodding. I took a deep breath and plunged the blade into him, making him scream in agony.

Marcel put Klaus in a tomb, and as the sun went down I felt my heartbreak thinking about Kol dying in a few hours. I tried to call Freya but she didn't answer, neither did Hayley but that wasn't surprising, I left her a message just in case.

Hey Hayley, I know you must hate me right now but I also know you understand why I did that. Klaus is still alive, don't worry, so is Rebekah. I don't know where the other Mikaelsons are but I assume they are with you. I won't tell Marcel about it even if you have found a way to save them. I actually hope you do. Because as much as I hate Elijah, I know you love him, and I don't want Kol to die or Freya. Tell her I'm sorry for what I did.

If you ever need anything, text me I will always be here for you and Hope, just like I promised Jack and Klaus.

I hope you can forgive me one day.

Hayley, you're my friend and I'll always be there even if you hate me.

A/N: I posted two today because the one from Friday didn't upload ! Sorry... Enjoy everyone 💙

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