Chapter 12: We lost. Again.

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We arrived at the Bayou. We got out of the car when Hayley stopped in front of it.

« You have to stay here Elijah, Mary doesn't want a vampire near her cabine, Hayley sighed.

- She is aware that you and Hope are under my protection ?

- Unfortunately that didn't do much for her grandson, did it ? I scoffed following Hayley.

- You know I couldn't prevent that.

- Yes, we do. But here we are, again, with someone else's life on the line. This time I'm taking my two-year-old daughter into a warzone on the off-chance it might save my friend from dying. Do you see how insane our lives have become?

- What do you want me to do? He asked her vamping at her side.

- I don't know, I just can't keep losing people. First Jack, now we might lose Cami, who's next? Y/n? Me? You?

- I'm not afraid to die. Neither are you. We fight for those we love, he affirmed.

- That doesn't mean we have to die. You lived long enough not to be afraid of dying. But we didn't need to live that long to figure out that it's harder to live without someone than to be the one to die, I snapped walking in the cabin. »

I greeted Mary with a hug, before Hayley and Elijah entered the room.

« You know I don't like vampires in my house Hayley.

- You know this one is stubborn, she shrugged. I came here for Hope.

- Why ?

- One of our friends is dying, and maybe Hope's blood could save her. It's our last chance, I sighed.

- Another Mikaelson ? She said with anger in her voice.

- No. It's Camille, Hayley answered.

- Oh no... She always was a sweet girl with Hope. I'll go get her, she was sleeping, she said before coming back with Hope on her hips.

- Thank you Mary, we'll see each other soon, Hayley smiled leaving followed by Elijah.

- I'll join you guys in the car, I said. How are you doing Mary ? Sincerely ?

- I miss my baby boy, I really hope he's in a better place, she teared up a bit.

- Me too. I'm sure he's keeping an eye on you and me. Because he'll kick my ass from the other side if I don't protect Hayley and Hope.

- He really loved that woman.

- She loved him too more than you think Mary. I have to go but next time you'll tell me stories about Jack when he was kid, I smiled.

- I will. Go save your friend, Witch, she smiled back. »

I ran back to the car, Elijah started it and we went back to the Mikaelson's house breaking every speed limit. When we arrived Freya, Vincent and Marcel were in the room talking, clearly worried. We arrived right when Vincent asked what else they could do and Hayley answered « How about a miracle baby ? »

Freya and Hayley went upstairs and when they went down, my girlfriend had a syringe into her hand with a weird substance. She injected it on Camille's bite, which had worsened. Camille was suffering, sweating and was paler than usual. It wasn't working. Her body was starting to be covered by gray and black veins. Klaus was next to her holding her hands, his head down.
I put my hand on her wound trying to suck its magic, but it was too strong, the veins progression were slowing down but didn't stop. And I couldn't hold it, the pain was too strong to siphon it, it hurted too much. I sighed heavily defeated.

I went back into the courtyard not able to take more and sat on the bench, next to Freya who was holding my hand. Hayley had put Hope on her lap, trying to find comfort, while Vincent was lacing around and Marcel sat on a chair and had his head into his hands. Camille meant a lot to him and now she was dying, we couldn't save her. We lost. Again.

The night had already started falling while we waited for the inevitable. Soon Davina came in, running, and as soon as our eyes met tears formed inside of hers. I stood up walking towards her, while Marcel did the same.

« Marcel ? Y/n ? She said her voice breaking. »

We hugged her tightly and I could see Marcel started to cry into our hug. My heart broke watching them cry. Davina was so young, she had already experienced so much pain, and we couldn't protect her from losing her friend. We lost. Again.

When Camille gave her last breath, Davina and Marcel both left, each one on their side of the city.

I stayed at the house, and joined Freya on the balcony that led to the courtyard. I took a sip of my drink before handing it over to her. I knew she felt guilty for today even though she wouldn't admit it.

« This isn't over Freya. There's work to be done. Lucien goes down.

- I agree with Y/n. We'll kill him, Elijah said, joining us.

- No rest for the wicked ? She said, taking a sip.

- No rest.

- Is our brother going to be alright ?

- This isn't over, Elijah answered walking away.

- I got you Freya, I said, putting my hand on her hips and hugging her. We'll get through this. We'll find a way to beat him, I added kissing her forehead.

- Let's work on it then, she smiled sadly.»

We went down, and lit candles on a table. Vincent soon joined us.

« What happened to her is on me, I did the spell that turned Lucien into... whatever the hell he is, he said.

- It's not your fault, don't blame yourself, I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

- He also used my blood Vincent. My family's magic. Which means we made him, Freya said.

- Yes but if I have learned anything that you taught me, now that we have his blood, we can find a way to un-make him. »

We brought Aurora's body, since she had in her veins the same serum as Lucien, and tried to find a way to un-make it. Vincent found a way to extract it and Freya a way to make Lucien a normal vampire again. The problem is that only the person who did the spell could take it back and Vincent wasn't the one who did it but him thanks to the ancestor which means we needed another solution.

At some point my phone rang for the thousandth time and seeing it was Marcel I answered. He didn't greet me and went straight to the point. Davina was dead, we needed to resurrect her. I hung up not answering and dragged Vincent with me to where her body was.

We arrived at St James, Kol was all bloody and Davina had a bite wound on her neck, in conclusion he lost control because of the Ancestor's magic and killed her. It was my fault, I should have gone to see Kol sooner. Vincent said she needed to consecrate her first since she was a New Orleans witch, but Kol said we couldn't because the Ancestors hated her.

« We need to consecrate her but she has to be safe so we can resurrect her, Vincent said, cutting everyone. And it's going to need a lot of power, one I don't have anymore.

- Lucky for you my girlfriend is a powerful witch.

- You think my family's going to help? Nik hates Davina. Freya will not defy him.

- She will. I'll make sure of it.

- And this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for your family, Marcel added. Vincent prepares her body. You guys, come with me. » 

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