Chapter 26: Wake up

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Freya's povs:

I entered the room in which Y/n was since she passed out in the middle of the street. I knelt next to her bed, putting back the blanket on her that was falling.

« Hey Y/n… I'm just kind of losing my mind at the moment.… our family's about to be pulled apart and there's literally nothing I can do about it. I'm supposed to be the big sister that can fix everything, and I just... I really need you right. I really need you to wake up. I don't know how to do this. I've just got them back after centuries and… And right now the Hollow is winning… I can't find anything in my mother's grimoire, nothing, not a single spell. I feel useless right now and would give anything for one of your bad jokes. I need you to wake up…. I need you to wake up please…» I said before kissing her forehead softly.

Y/n povs:

« … I need you to wake up please… » was all I heard before I gasped awake and coughed heavily. Quickly someone started rubbing my back bringing me some comfort. I opened my eyes, quickly regretting it when the sun blinded me, which made me groan and put my hand up as a sun visor.
Freya, my girlfriend, was the one next to me.

« I'm hungry, I said my throat feeling dry.
- I'll get you something, don't move, she said leaving the room quickly. »

Obviously I didn't listen and stood up, taking a few seconds and the wall next to me to steady myself. I was in the Bell Tower, Freya's little lair, like I loved to call it to annoy her. I looked at the table seeing the mess on it, grimoires were opened everywhere, notes written on paper in languages I couldn't always understand, worse than I remembered. Glass was broken on one side of the room. What the hell happened here ?

« I told you to stay on the bed, she scolded me entering the room, giving me a blood bag.
- And you know I'm not great at following orders, I said starting to drink already feeling better. What's with all this mess… I started to say before I remembered how I passed out. How is Hope ? I asked worriedly.
- She's okay. But it's bad, really bad, Freya sighed.
- How long was I out ?
- A few days… The Hollow knew that without your help Vincent's spell wouldn't be strong enough to lock it in his book like he did before. And since you siphoned Hope when she was sick and never got totally purified it seemed, it acceded to your mind. 
- So we're losing and it's kinda because of me… I said defeated, guilt forming inside me.
- Vincent found another way.
- But by the look on your face, the tons of books and the shattered glass, I assume you don't like it.
- You know me too well… she said, smiling softly. He wants to separate the Hollow in four and put in four eternals beings. Four originals.
- Holy sh….
- And Kol is not answering his goddamn phone or any fire letter.
- I'm going to slap that dumbass seriously. I know when you guys were born phones didn't exist but you got to adapt to society, I joked trying to lighten up the mood.
- If he doesn't show up, I'll have to become the fourth, she said showing the cup with blood in it.
- Not a chance in hell, I said sternly.
- It's not up to discussion Y/n.
- It is Love. Klaus's blood runs through my veins, which makes me related to Hope. If you become a vampire you'll lose your ability to do magic and I'm not letting it happen. Also, I grew up without parents too Freya, and I’m not letting Hope go through with it. If Kol doesn't show up, I'm doing it.
- I'll be fine, magic is overrated anyway. And Darling … she started to say before getting interrupted by a newcomer.
- That's because you never had to live without it. And no need to fight with your girlfriend, Sister. I'm here, Kol smirk making a dramatic entrance like always.
- Dumbass, I chuckled punching his arm. So dramatic. How does Davina put up with you ? Such a drama queen I swear.
- I'm not a drama queen…
- You are, Freya said.
- Fine… the younger brother sighed. Let's just go save our niece, he smiled.
- You two go ahead, I need to talk to Klaus. »

I let them leave to join Elijah and Rebekah. Before finding Klaus.

« Klaus, I said, gaining his attention.
- Y/n ? You're awake I see, did Freya update you ? He asked, turning around.
- She did. And I'm not letting you do it. Your daughter needs her father, I'll take your place.
- That's not happening, he said firmly
- Niklaus, I said sternly. I can't let Hope lose almost all her family at once. I'm not just doing it for you. I'm doing it for her.
- Y/n if you do it, you can't ever come back here, you can't ever see Hope or any of my other siblings that have the Hollow in them or had it. So no more Kol, no more Hope, no more Marcel, no more Freya or Hayley because the Hollow got into their head so it will affect you. No more Mikaelson in your life ever, or less Hell will rain on earth or it will hurt you.
- I'm willing to do it, I said.
- Would you abandon your girlfriend ?
- I don't want to, but I'm not letting Hope without her family, I know how it feels to be alone, I'm not letting her live through that. And for Freya she’ll love again. Always and forever is what your family says right ? Hope is her family, she can live without me.
- And what if she can't ?
- She'll have to,  because I'm not backing down.
- Fine, but you won't take my place. You'll take Elijah's. He's suffered enough for our family, keeping me on the path for redemption over the centuries and making me worthy of Hope. Our vow hurted him the most, he'll be free from it at least. Also he might be Freya's favorite since he was basically the parent of this family with her, he chuckled lightly.
- Fine… I'm not too fond of your brother but I'll do it. For you and for Hope, since she is my favorite Mikaelson. After Freya, I said seeing Klaus laugh. Maybe now Elijah and Hayley will finally get together. »

I went back to everyone with Klaus. He explained the new plan to Elijah whispering so no one else would hear, the older brother looked at me nodding slightly.
I didn't tell anyone else knowing Freya and Hayley would try to stop me.
I help Freya draw the pentagram on the ground. And waiting for Hope to be brought, I vamped to my lover's room to put a letter on the bed.

Hey Darling,

I'm sorry for not telling you but you would have tried to stop me. I can't help you save your family but at least, I can help you save Hope and to keep your brother Elijah close to you and Hayley.
I want you to know that I love you. I will always love you.
But right now, as you are reading this I need you to do me one last favor.
Don't look back. Don't look back on what we were. Fall in love again, love like you never loved anyone, move on. I know you can do it, because you, Freya Mikaelson, are the strongest person I ever met. You're the pillar, people lean on, you're the ink of our history. Truly you are a gift, and let's be honest you're my favorite Mikaelson.
It pains me to leave you, because I truly love you.
Protect Hayley and Hope for me.

I love you Freya Mikaelson.

I'm sorry our forever had to end.

Your Y/n, always.

An: Hi everyone ! I currently have one or two other chapters already written for next week, but I have exams in the middle of May so I'll try my best to not keep you guys on edge 💙

Uni is kicking my ass lol... Good luck to everyone who like me are preparing exams lol

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