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Kitty x female!reader
Description: kitty and Y/n have been dating for around 4 years now. One day not too long after Allison and Mike move in and Allison begins to see the ghosts, Allison walks into the living room to see you and Kitty cuddling?

Y/n uses she/her pronouns

(Please critique this it will need a lot of work)
¡This is not a request!

You had died in 2012 and Kitty had felt a connection instantly. You two would hang out together 99% of the time, even have sleepovers together. Then in 2015 you both confessed your love for one another, that's leads you into today.

Allison, who recently moved into the Button House with her husband Mike, suffered a terrible fall, causing her to be able to see you all. You didn't care all that much, it would be nice to have new faces for a change, especially one who could actually see you.

It seemed a bit... odd at first. Allison walks in and looks at you all, speaks to a few then leaves. Not that it was remotely bad, just strange.

It was around midday, and you were making your way to the living room to relax and read the only book you could, the one you died with. It was a tragedy really, (well that's if you ask Thomas) you died with a shot to the back of the head, a coward move and done to a woman at that.

Once you had reached the living room, you placed yourself on one of the sofas, resting against the back, one leg over the other, next to the arm.

Kitty, who had always been very cuddly and hyper, was walking to the living room as well, because she missed you. When she arrived, she immediately sat down, snuggled up against your side, and closed her eyes.

You tore you eyes away from the book, and glanced down at your gorgeous girlfriend. Once you notice her eyes were closed, you murmur, "Aww my sweet angel" and place your arm around her, keeping her safe.

Everybody else in the room just kind of ignored you. Pat 'awed' a little then turned back to what he was doing, Julian and Robin were too busy playing chess, Mary was talking to, a very obviously not listening, Thomas.

Then there was Captain and Fanny. Fanny watched the ongoing PDA with extreme disgust, for two reasons: it was PDA and you were both women. The second taking the biggest role. Captain however, looked at you both with the upmost pride. Although he never got to experience it himself, he was happy you two were able to.

The peaceful silence was broken when Allison walked in and stated rather loudly, "Hey". Your eyes rapidly flicked up to hers, making contact with them. You brought your to your lip and silently shushed her.

Allison didn't quite know what to say to be honest. She had zero idea you two were together. She pointed between you and kitty, asking if you were a thing, you nodded and both exchanged smiles. Allison quietly gave you a "congrats", this however caused Fanny to raise her voice. "Honestly I don't understand why this is happening in MY house and why you are condoning it!!!"

Kitty's eyes flicked open at the abrupt noise, making a noise of discontent. You all looked to her, then gave Fanny an angry glare. "You woke her up! It's ok my angel, go back to sleep" you said lowering your tone as you spoke.

Fanny got up and stormed out of the room, meaning you could cuddle your perfect girlfriend and read your book in peace.

Death isn't so bad.

Hey guys! This is my first ever oneshot book! So please leave constructive criticism and feedback in the comments.
Have a wonderful day/evening/night/afternoon.
649 words

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