Cuddle Bug

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Captain x male!Sensitive! Reader:
(By sensitive I mean with loud noises and things like texture)

Y/n has had a very stressful day and who does he go to for some relaxation and snuggles... Captain of course

Y/n was... a mess. Everything was just so... overwhelming. He was known to be sensitive, and everybody knew to be gentle, but today it just didn't happen. The way y/n's clothes touched him made him want to crawl out of his own skin, his trousers were too tight in places and too loose in others and the same goes for his shirt. His hair was covering his face too much and he felt like he couldn't see.

The noise was so overpowering, y/n had to cover his ears at times as there was either too many people talking or they were talking too loud and by the afternoon, he was extremely overstimulated.

Mike had also walked through him today, it was a complete accident, but it created an incredibly strong sick feeling to spawn in his stomach.

Y/n had walked into the living room and was met with a quieter atmosphere, which he appreciated to no end. He scanned his eyes across the room, looking for somebody who he knew would make this day 1000X better. Captain.

And there he was, sat on the sofa, with nobody else on it. Y/n took this moment, almost sprinting over to him. He leaped up onto him which caused the Captain to jump in surprise. Y/n always wanted to cuddle when things got like this.
"Y/n? Are you quite alright?"
Captain asked in concern as y/n buried his face into his neck. Y/n shakes his head, no.
"Oh y/n, what's the matter sweet boy?"
Y/n doesn't reply as his breathing becomes slightly more erratic as captain rubs his back and rocks him, saying sweet nothings in his ear.

But, unfortunately, Fanny walks into the room.
"Oh! Y/n what are you doing!"
She states with a hint of disgust in her voice.
"Stop being so childish and ridiculous, you're a grown man, act like it.
Captain says, raising his voice, slightly. This causes an argument to start between Captain and Fanny. Alison, hearing to commotion, walks in and immediately yells.
The entire room goes silent, the only sound coming from y/n, those being hard sobs and cries.

Captain immediately looks down and starts to regret shouting. He brings a hand up to his head and begins running it through his hair. The other hand turns y/n's head to make one ear press against his chest, covering his other one to block out all sound except the Captain's heart beat.

Y/n's tears would have fallen but well you know. Y/n felt captain begin to rock him, trying to make him feel better. In the background however, there was a lot happening, mainly Fanny getting berated by everyone.

After a good while of this, the shouting had died down and y/n was calm and had... fallen asleep. Captain smiled down at him, giving him a look that could only be described as love. He leaned down and kissed his forehead.

The group had split off after the argument but a few still remained. Pat and Thomas look on with a proud look on their faces. Allison had sat down and watched to couple, her heart swelling at the sight, and Fanny... well she looked somewhat guilty and somewhat disgusted.

But there you two were, lying together, on the sofa, Captain watching y/n with the upmost affection. And y/n peacefully sleeping after a stressful day.

Captain would like to call him...

HIS sweet boy,

HIS cuddle bug.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting, I haven't had any good ideas but this one came to me and I had to write it! Hope you enjoy
~~661 words~~

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