Abstract Friendships

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Allison x male! Artist! Reader.

(Mike doesn't exist in this one!!)

~The Ghosts never knew what y/n did for his work. He would go into a different building in the back of the house, and then come back out a couple of hours later. Allison never said what he did either. Well, today they were going to find out.~

Y/n was just putting the finishing touches on one of his paintings. Y/n painted abstract, and by abstract I mean throwing paint at the canvas type of thing. Y/n always ended up with paint all over him, he didn't mind of course, it's his job. Although his wife Allison thinks differently. She dealt with it and secretly enjoyed watching you walk out of your studio, clothes covered, but she doesn't like dealing with clothes covered in wet paint.

Once y/n had finished, he stepped back admiring his work. He was extremely tired as this one took him a while, so he placed his equipment away and stepped out of his studio. Walking into the button house, he tried to get as little paint on the floor as possible, but things happen.

Allison had heard her husband come in and walked into the living room, to find him stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by the ghosts. Of course, only Allison could see them, or so she thought.
"Alli, baby, can you tell me what going on and who these people are?"
Y/n wasn't scared, more confused if anything. Allison didn't know what to say, she was convinced that only she could see them.
"How do I say this? Umm they are... ghosts?"
Allison really didn't know how y/n would react to this information, he didn't believe in ghosts did he?
"Ahh ok... makes sense as they are slightly translucent. Ok then, hello I'm y/n, Allison's husband, I mean no harms."
Y/n said trying to lighten the mood of the situation.

"What do you do all day? You go in and out of this other building at the back of the house."
Kitty questioned, seeming genuinely curious. The rest nodded in agreement.
"Well, I'm an artist, I go into my studio and paint and draw. Then I sell them and people actually buy them. I know, it surprised me too."
Y/n laughed as he explained, placing his hands on his hips, only to pull away when he saw he had put his hand in some paint.

"So that's why you're covered in paint. Gosh, I hope Allison doesn't mind it?"
Captain asked hoping that she actually doesn't mind it.
"I don't mind it too much Captain, do not worry. It's what he loves so, I let him do it. Plus they sell for like over £100, so I can't complain really."
Allison hastily replied, as she didn't want the ghosts to turn on y/n.

Y/n decided to go and change as standing talking to ghosts in paint smeared clothes wasn't the best option. Once he was done, he returned to the living room, finding Allison talking to the ghosts. Y/n made his way over to this wife, plopped himself onto the sofa and rapped an arm around her waist. Allison looked up at him, a smile gracing her features.

"So, how long have you two been married for?"
Fanny asked which shocked the group, if they were honest.
"Well we dated for about 4 years, then were engaged for 1 year and then have been married for 3? 4 years now?"
Y/n recalled, faltering slightly at the last part not wanting to upset his wife.
"3 years yes. You always struggle to remember that."
Allison laughs at her lover's forgetfulness. The ghosts gave a few laughs too, finding the couple a perfect fit for each other.
"Well then, to a long happy marriage for the both of you!"
Captain said, earning agreement from everybody.

Who said the living can't befriend the dead!?

Hey guys, Ik these updates have been flooding in recently, I'm just trying to get my ideas out there. This one was nice to write as you don't see much for Allison. (I never know if it's Alison or Allison, please let me know if it is interchangeable.)
718 words

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