Dead Blinder

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Captain x Peaky Blinder! reader

-This one was hard to write because of the locations. The Peaky blinders were a group of gangsters that stalked the streets of Birmingham. The dates in which they began and ended are not very clear from my Google search so if you see any problems please do let me know. They were around from the 1880's to the 1910's and consisted of young boys and men. Although, the show which I'm gonna base things off of is set after the First World War. (I have only just finished the first episode so I'm very new to the series.)-

~The Ghosts never knew your past, where you came from or what caused your death. And today Allison and Mike started watching Peaky Blinders and figured it all out, but you had to explain it in your own words of course! 😁~

Y/n stood outside the button house, cigarette smoke bellowing out from his lips. He had died with a packet of them on him, plus a lighter so it was all in good. Taking one last puff, he threw it onto the ground and tried his best to stub it out. Y/n turned abruptly on his heal, adjusting his peak cap, careful to avoid the razor blades that had been discreetly sewn into it. He made his way back through the front door, groaning slightly when he saw the alive couple and the ghosts sat eagerly watching to tv.

He couldn't quite see what it was exactly they were watching, but from the occasional faces they made he could assume it had slight gore. As he made his way over, Captain raised his head upon hearing the click of his shoes against the wooden floor. He assumed y/n had finished his smoke break, hoping to come back in to see an empty living room. He gave the man a smile and turned back to the television.

"What you guys watching"
y/n said, his thick Birmingham accent showing as it always did. He made his way over to the tv, but being slightly weary as to not block the others.
"Just some show Allison found, 'The Peaky Blinders'"
Thomas said eyes not leaving to screen before him. Y/n tensed at the name, one he was all too familiar with. The scene had changed, turning to one with one of the main characters, Thomas Shelby. Y/n looked at him closely, taking in the things that were similar and the differences. He scoffed, earning a look from the other minus Mike.
"I dunno what the people who made this were thinking, it looks nuffin like 'im!"
Another person walked up beside Mr Shelby and began to speak to him in a hushed voice. Thomas Shelby, then addressed the man by his full name, realising who he was talking too.
'Ah, Mr Y/n L/n, good to see you after the war'
His voice was nothing like y/n remembered. It took him a bit to clock that he had said HIS NAME!
"WAIT!! That's supposed to be me! Nah, that looks nuffin like me at all!"
Y/n exclaimed, causing everybody to stare at him wide eyed.

"Did you know Thomas Shelby? Like in person, you are being depicted as being close?"
Captain inquired, locking eyes with the peak cap wearing man. Y/n maintained eye contact, answering the question as simply as possible.
"Yes, we were"
Allison didn't know what to say, she had a Peaky Blinder in her house, but why was he here, in Surrey? Birmingham is 2 hours and 5 minutes away by car, 2 hours and 51 minutes by train.
"Y/n why are you in Surrey if Birmingham is over two hours away? What were you here for?"
Y/n was ready for that question, and if he was embarrassed to admit that he was here on a deal that Tommy wanted to fill out for him. He got into trouble while at the button house and ended up killing 3 people and being stabbed by an unknown man. He failed his leader, that man that put so much faith in him.

"I was here on a deal that Mr. Shelby wanted me to finish for him. I had set somebody off and gotten into a fight, I ended up sending 3 to the pits of hell, but I was an idiot and got shanked by a low life bastard. Didn't die on the spot, got left to bleed out. Can't believe I failed Mr Shelby, he had put so much faith in me to complete that stupid transaction."
Y/n had looked down to the floor, fists balled up in anger, directed towards himself. He thought back to that too often and positive energy never came.

"How old were you y/n? When that all happened?"
Kitty asked, worried that he had been really young.
"Eh, I had been about 24, same age as John Shelby, Tommy's younger brother"
Mike had gotten up and left a while ago, realising his wife was talking to the ghosts. Captain face fell into one of despair, he had his entire life ahead and it was cut short. He also worked even more out about him.
"So... you fought in the First World War... you were 18 when you volunteered... blimey y/n that's a lot for a young lad to go through..."
Captain stood up, walking over to him. He wrapped his arms gently around his mid section, hugging him close. Being a similar height made it easier for y/n to embrace Captain back. Y/n then did something he hadn't done in a long time...

He cried...

He sobbed into Captain's shoulder, the older man tracing shapes into his back for comfort. Y/n's hard, intimidating persona was broken and nobody thought it would be fully fixed, always letting some emotions through. But that's for another time. Y/n's sobs had settled, his head raising from the Captains shoulder to look at him, a small smile flickering across his lips.
"Come on sweet boy, let's go get some fresh air alright?"
Captain asked, knowing the nickname would piss him off ever so slightly.
"Hey! Don't call me that!"
Y/n chuckled lightly as he playfully punched Captain's arm.

Once the two made it outside, y/n turned to the man beside him.
"You can call me that... just not with the others, makes me feel vulnerable, I don't wanna feel that again."
Captain just nods, understanding where he was coming from.
"Alright then my sweet boy, tell me..."

Their voices faded as they slowly began to wander around the front garden.

I guess it's wasn't as bad being a...

Dead Blinder

Now was it?

Hello, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for 1.4K, could not be more grateful!!!
Notice how most of my chapters now are over 1000 words!!
1159 words

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