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All the ghosts x peculiar! Gender neutral! reader.

(This is platonic, you will see why later. Also the readers peculiarity is going to be wings)

Y/n had always been different from everyone else throughout a part of their childhood and I say part of due to where y/n lived for the remainder of it. You see, y/n was a peculiar or in simpler terms they had powers. These people are very rare which meant they didn't know any others like them. That is, until an unfortunate event led them to their own people.

The living room was currently occupied by the ghosts, chatter echoing around the room. Y/n was sat amongst the group, their (h/l) (h/c) framed their face perfectly, (e/c) eyes shining in the sun light, one of them completely white, as if missing it's iris. They were gorgeous, one factor that sticks out the most though, is their (big/medium/small) heavenly, white as snow wings that sprouted from their back.

Nobody knew exactly how they got here and never wanted to ask in fear of pushing too far. They knew they were different, it wasn't that hard to tell. Y/n didn't really mind that they were unique in comparison to their friends, they were used to being like that. But anyway, y/n was talking to Fanny, who they had quite the bond with, about anything that came to mind. They had been dodging the topic of their life, appearance or anything like that for ages and I guess they couldn't run from it any longer.
"So, y/n, what was your life like? You never seem to talk about it and we all wanna know."
Fanny inquired, causing everyone to turn to their conversation. Y/n visibility stiffened, uncomfortable with the question but they knew they had to answer this sooner or later.

"When I was alive I lived with a group of children, it was a place where we could live without being judged or hurt. The woman who looked after us was called Miss Peregrine, she was really lovely. She was an ymbrine, which meant she could turn into a bird and reset the loop."
y/n said, sorrow lacing their voice. The others were obviously confused, not knowing what a loop was.
"A loop was something that was set in place before a bomb almost fell on the house, each day at the same time, miss peregrine would set the time back, so everyday was September 3rd 1940. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, it meant that any arguments would have to be fixed quickly because they weren't going anywhere. I loved all of them but one boy was..."
They trailed off, getting lost in her old memory's. The ghosts had been listening intently, feeling sympathy for y/n as they had left those who they had a really strong connection with.

"They seem like amazing people, and we are so sorry that you had to leave them. Also, who was this boy?"
Captain asks, curious to know who he was. The others nod in agreement.
"Enoch... that was his name. He was everything to me. We were a couple, although most saw each other as siblings, we just had a different type of love. He treated me so well, and I'm devastated that I had to leave without him..."
Y/n's head dipped, so did their shoulders as they cried. The others were shocked, they didn't know they had a lover during their life and they were so upset to hear that they left him too soon.

They all slowly got up from their place and walked over to the ghost, who was still crying. Then they all tried their best to form a group hug, in order to comfort them.

(there's a time skip here just to let you know 😁)

It had been a week since then and everything was just fine in the button house, y/n had felt a lot better after sharing part of their past and thought that would be that. Except it wasn't. The ghosts were in their usual place ✨the living room✨ just chatting when Allison, walked in followed by a young man no older than 19. They all knew immediately that he was dead and went to greet him, all except one... y/n. They recognised him all too well...
It was barely audible but he heard it, loud and clear. Enoch looked beyond the group before him, over to y/n. They hadn't seen each other in so long, they didn't think they would see each other again, but here we are. Enoch pushed past the ghosts, engulfing his lover in a hug. Y/n returned it, tears of pure joy flowing down their face.

They pulled back slightly, just enough so that Enoch could pull y/n into a kiss. It was so full of emotion, full of longing, of happiness. Oh how they missed it. When they pulled apart they pressed their foreheads together, gazing into each other's eyes.
"How did you get here??"
Y/n exclaimed, laughing slightly.
"You always talked about coming around here and first place I thought you would be at, because look at this place, just somewhere you would go!"
Enoch grinned, so happy that he was back with her. The other ghosts just watched the scene unfold, happy that these two were reunited.

And that's how it would say, two lovers never separated again.

Hey! This is a oneshot that I had struggled to write but I managed. Yes you and Enoch are together, what can I say Enoch is hot 😁. This was kind of a crossover, so sorry if it doesn't make much sense. Also thank you so much for 4.41K reads!!! Literally never thought I would get that many!
980 words

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