la mia ragazza italiana

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Allison x Italian!Fem!Reader

~hey everybody, I know I haven't posted in about 3 months 😭😬. yeah I'm really sorry about that I've had school and other things. But I hope to be coming back into this book! I'm currently learning Italian on Duolingo (like I started the other day) so I don't know that much, I know how to simply introduce myself and order at a cafe. So most of this will be translated by yours truly ✨google translate✨! Enjoy!~

Y/n could speak Italian well and I mean fluently. She spoke English 99% of the time so rarely got to use it. She had visited every city in Italy and impressed the people there with her skills. When in Rome for the 3rd time (what can I say, she really liked Rome) she met Allison. Y/n was sat in a café when she heard the door open and looked up.  In walked Allison, who awkwardly stepped towards the counter. When she made it there she clearly didn't know what to have as in this particular cafe the board above the till was all in Italian. Y/n didn't want to watch her struggle anymore, so she stood up, her long black trench coat falling loosely around her frame, and walked up to the young woman.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Allison looked at the gorgeous woman before her, she froze for a moment or two before responding.
"Not really no, I don't speak or read Italian and don't know what the drinks are"
Y/n laughed lightly, glancing at Allison, noticing how pretty she was.
"That's ok, I speak Italian so I can read it for you! So there is..."

From then on, the two women became close friends, eventually catching feelings for each other and dating. Then Allison got left the button house, they moved in and here we are, present day.

Y/n was sat in the living room, dressed in a white turtle neck jumper, a thin, black belt, white, light trousers and short, black heels. Her hair sat neatly in a braid bun, with pieces framing her face.

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(You can always change the clothes and hair + the hair colour can be whatever you want

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(You can always change the clothes and hair + the hair colour can be whatever you want. Also there isn't a specific book you're reading so imagine whatever book you like. )

Her eyes were glued to the pages of her book, blocking out her surroundings. Although she was snapped out of her gaze by her fiancé, Allison, walk into the room, being followed by the ghosts. Yes, that's right, they both lived with and could see ghosts. Deciding to be cheeky right at that moment, y/n called out to her lover.
"Ti amo, mio tesoro"
(I love you, my sweetheart)
Now, Allison knew full well that her fiancé could speak and write Italian beautifully, but she rarely spoke it anymore, so this came as a surprise to her.

"What did you say babe? You know I don't speak Italian!"
Y/n laughed heartily, gazing lovingly at the woman who was soon to be her wife. As she went to speak, one of the ghosts, Thomas, spoke first.
"You can speak Italian? How much do you know? can you say something in it??"
Y/n blinked, needing time to register all the questions.
"Oh yeah I can say something in Italian for you, I don't really mind!"
Allison was excited, as well as the other ghosts, to hear her speak the language she loved so much.

"Salve, il mio nome è y/n. Adoro visitare l'Italia e ci sono stata molte volte. è proprio lì che ho conosciuto Allison, la mia futura moglie!"

(Hello, my name is y/n. I love visiting Italy and have gone there many times. It's actually where I met Allison, my soon to be wife)

Allison's smile was absolutely huge. She found it so attractive, y/n speaking in a foreign language. The ghosts' jaws were on the floor, they had not heard Italian in such a long time, and she was a natural. Y/n was very amused, she stood and strutted over to Allison, pulling her into a passionate kiss, massaging her hips tentatively. She then moved over to her ear whispering, a seductive smirk gracing her lips.
"Tu, io, la nostra camera da letto, due minuti, sai cosa dico, tesoro"

(You,me, our bedroom, two minutes, you know what I'm saying darling)

Allison did indeed know what she was saying, and boy was this going to be fun.

Hiii! Idk why that turned a bit spicy at the end but oh well 😂 ik I haven't posted in ages but I hope this is still as good as before. Also THANK YOU FOR 3.14K READS!! I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD EVER GET THIS POPULAR!!
Word count: 800 words

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