Cuddle bug pt.3

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Y/n has a meltdown and the group know how to handle it... or do they?

Everybody knew what today was going to end with, as it had been rather stressful for both the living and the dead. There had been so much going on, so they knew y/n was going to have a meltdown sooner or later.

Although most of the signs had stayed relatively the same; covering ears, constant fidgeting with his clothes. The usual and everybody noticed. There was one thing that was extremely different.

Y/n did not want to be touched by anybody.

This was odd as y/n would always go to Captain when a meltdown occurred and would never push him away. Today, y/n was refusing physical contact, not even from Captain.

Y/n had been clenching his fists, hitting himself, biting whatever he could. He didn't know why exactly, but he knew he was experiencing extreme overstimulation and this time it came with a bucket load of anxiety.

So when today drew to the afternoon and it died down, the gang knew to expect an outburst like no other.

Y/n walked into the room, on the verge of eruption. He makes his way over to where captain is sat, but sits a good bit away. Although he quickly realises that the sofa was far too itchy at the moment and plopped himself on the floor, his knees up to his chest.

Captain reaches down and puts a hand on y/n's shoulder trying his best to comfort him, but y/n smacks his hand away and starts his meltdown. Y/n's hands started to hit himself, he started rocking, and screaming. Captain and Allison were the most concerned out of the lot, so they had to do something. Allison look at Captain and the both nodded knowing what has to be done.

Y/n's ears were ringing, it was all a blur, but he did feel captain grip his wrists, not tight but enough to pull them away from his head.
"Mon lapin, I need you to listen to me ok?"
Captain whispered, not wanting to spook y/n even more. All y/n could do was nod.
"Ok bubba, I need you to look at me and take some deep breaths alright. I want you to feel better and I need you to know I love you."
Y/n's chest relaxed, no longer tight at his livers words.
"I... L-love you t-too"
Y/n managed to stutter, as Captain began the deep breaths. After a bit of doing that Captain released y/n's wrists and opened his arms, asking if he wanted a hug. Y/n practically jumped onto Captain, all of the emotions spilling out.

As y/n sobbed into his lovers shoulder, Captain rubbed patterns into his back, whispering:
"I'm right here bubba, I'm not going anywhere."
Allison would never admit it but she saw you as a son in a sense. And to hear Captain treat you so well, even with your problems, it made Allison start to cry.

Kitty, whose eyes had also watered at the scene, look at Allison and asked.
"Allison! Why are you crying?"
This made everybody turn to her in concern.
"Sorry, it's just that, I wish I could join in the hug."
This made the group smile, happy that she wanted to be able to touch the ghosts so badly, but also sad that she wouldn't be able to.

Y/n stood up, out of captains embrace and walked up to Allison and did his best to wrap his arms around her shoulders. What he said next made everybody start to sob.
"It's alright mum, I want to be able to hug you as well, but this is as much as I can do"

Allison couldn't believe her ears. Mum? Her? Captain stood from the floor and joined y/n in the 'hug'.
One by one the ghosts huddled around Allison, even Fanny.

The love that can form between the living and the dead, proves that even tho death may seem permanent, love keeps the soul together and ultimately the dead 'alive'.

Omg! I didn't mean for this to be so sad, I hope you enjoyed it anyway.
715 words.

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