Prologue : Speranţă

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This is for you, my dear friend.
To never forget our memories.

Isn't it a funny thing ? Hope can do a lot for sure.
It can survive in the darkest time. It can destroy empires. In a hope to survive you could do anything.
But what if there is no hope?

Have you ever thought about it ?
You always dream about something , hope about something.
"I hope i'll get good grades."
"I hope he will talk to me."
"I hope everything is going to be alright."
"I hope i will be a great hero..."
"I hope i won't wake up."
But if all your dreams are crushed, what would you do?
Would you quit ?
Put a rope around your neck and jump of the chair ?

Or would you destroy the little left of yourself to take them in hell with you ?

Because hope is the other side of death.
Hope is a fucking lie.


See? I told you it was going to be fun...
English isn't my first language so please tell me if i make mistakes.
Enjoy the show

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