Chapter 7 : Soimii

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Oh come on my friends, don't tell such stories to this lady."

The number two hero sat down in front of me. Resting my elbows on the counter while I picked up the broken glass.

He was free

"Are you okay lady ?" Hawks had started going to this club about a month ago, and apparently took a liking to calling me 'Lady'. Which I didn't liked at first but i got used to it.

Dabi was free


I snapped back to reality at the sound of his voice and realized I was clutching a piece of glass. Causing a cut in my hands, drops of blood dripping onto the black floor.
"I'm fine, Hawks." I responded with a small smile.

"What do I get you?" I asked while putting a bandage on my hand. A remnant of the bandage present on my chest. Which actually hurt me quite a bit.
Hawks looked at me with suspicion but ended up responding with one of his charming smiles for which he has the secret.
"Same as usual"

"Well then..."I got to work, mixing various beverages, serving two more people before placing an Americano in front of him.
"With your extra sugar."
"You are an angel, lady."
"Yeah, yeah, spare me... It's rare to see you alone."
Usually Hawks was accompanied by fellow heroes, or his friends of the same type.
He sighted "Well, what do you want, with the fiasco this morning; no one wanted to come with me. But hey... I'm not completely alone..."
He winked at me.
"You are here, lady."

I leaned on the liquor shelf.
"Why are you so cheerful for someone who had such a problem at work?"
He took a sip of his cocktail, throwing his head back.

"I shouldn't tell you this but hey; we're friends aren't we?" I sighed with a falsely offended smile.
"Even if you never wanted to tell me your first name."

I smiled politely at him.
"Work requires. You didn't tell me your name either."

He responded with a glance at his large wings folded behind him, a vivid red. Although he had swapped his hero costume for a shirt under a khaki jacket, it was difficult not to notice and recognize him. "Work requires"

I smiled softly."So...tell me. Why are you here? Drinking calmly?"

"Well you see, I have a certain 'disagreement' with Dabi."
I looked at the tips of his wings, burned.
"And I would love to return the favor.
Plus this morning's arrest was...strange. We didn't have time to question him. He took a sentry hostage and fled.
But his condition was pitiful (which made us let our guard down), he had taken a high price. A powerful quirk. Still unknown to the system."
He took another sip of his drink.

"But I cannot help but rejoice;
-He has a powerful enemy who seems to have a certain sense of justice.
-And since he ran away I will be able to find him and fight with him. By inflicting him much damage as possible. Without killing him of course, even if I have to lose my skin. The day before yesterday I had him... you know the LOV's attack on the embassy.
I had him, but him disappeared...
He was running away like a coward and I fucking lost him.
So this morning seemed too easy. Not up to the fight I want."

I looked at him, stunned before laughing softly.
"Wow. What heroic behavior. Where did all the fuss about everyone's good before his own go?" I asked in an ironic tone.

He made a slight grimace.
"Behind the mask I am just a man, a selfish being.
I probably shouldn't tell you all this but I have the feeling that you understand." He glanced at me while finishing his drink.

I looked at him.
Oh my poor Hawks, if you only knew.

We met a few weeks ago, when I spilled the drink he ordered on him.
Simple accident of course.
Well...that's what he thinks.
And since then I have been playing subtly; declining his advances but pretending to be like an old friend.
He ended up taking me as a sort of confidant, understanding that I would not accept his compliments and charms.(Which seemed to be a setback for him)

He trusted me. Serving me information on a silver platter.
I feel sorry for him. He's a kind man, a real hero. In other circumstances I could have become her friend and maybe even more but not in this life.

"Hey? What's your quirk?"

"Oh me?" I smirked.
"I can read minds. I'm a telepath"
I savored for a few seconds the different emotions passing over his face. And the coloring of his cheeks which made me wander his thoughts.
"Relax. I'm taking you on a ride."
"Oh you are mean Lady! Don't make a joke like that.
"Given your reaction it was worth it." I laughed softly.

He rested his head in his hands, like a child.
"That makes me think I don't know much about you.
That doesn't seem fair to me, considering everything I've told you."
I tensed up a little. I fled with humor.
"What do I know about you? Do you want to talk about your very poor flirting skills?"

He pouted.
"You're really mean, Lady."
It was late. The club was gradually emptying out.
There were only a few customers left. Those too drunk to go home.
"Are you sure you don't want to have a drink?"
I sighed. "Not during service."
He remained silent as I wiped the counter with a rag.
"Well then, do you want to come and have a drink at my place?" He asked with a pleading smile.
"Hawks I already to-" I stopped abruptly as I realized something.

He was free
He was coming for me
He knows where I live

I closed my eyes for a few seconds.
"You know what... My shift ends in 20 min."
He smiles widely.
"See, I'm not such a bad charmer."

Oh my poor Hawks, if you only knew.



3 cl of Italian vermouth

3 cl of campari

club soda (neutral sparkling water)

Pour the ingredients into an old fashioned glass filled with ice, pour in and top up with sparkling water. Mix.

Garnish with 1/2 slice of orange and lemon zest.

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