Chapter 4: Cusătură

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His wound was bad. Really bad.
"Who did that...?" It was a stupid question; of course it was a hero. And a hero good at his work.
And of course he didn't answer.
He was just staring at me with a godamn gaze, like he was still hesitating on whether he should kill me or not.

And it was making me crazy.
"Tell me what you know." I asked him coldly.
"You heal first"
"It's going to be hard to trust you when all I have is evidence of why i shouldn't."
"Fuck you." He was in pain, he didn't want to die yet and i knew it.
"It's...the name of an experience..." He was hardy speaking.
"I'll tell you more...after you heal me, you're going to need me alive..."

Having to bear some interdermals overlocks stitches with such a long and deep cut without any medecines is suppose to hurt.
It his suppose to make you scream...

But he wasn't screaming, he wasn't flinching, his eyes were... empty.
But why does it made me falter...? I should have been scared of such unhuman reaction but no... I wasn't afraid of him.
I was terrified by how much pain he must carry.
Terrified it was going to swallow me if I was approaching to close.
Terrified it could trigger my own hell, where my demons are dancing.

I worked efficiently, trying to control the slight trembling of  my hands. The adrenaline of being a pray having subsided, the exhaustion returned in force.

"Are you afraid?"
He spoke slowly, no trace of emotions in his voice. Every word was spoken with an undeniable heaviness.

It made the demons sway. "No." It was true. I wasn't afraid of him. After all... you need to have something to lose to be able to be afraid of someone. But i couldn't die right now.
I needed to know. Maybe I was afraid of what I might do...

"Fear is a weird thing, when we think about it...People are only afraid of other things, they're never afraid of themselves" he talked slowly.
I froze.
"Should poeple be afraid of themselves?" I spoke while watching him closely.
"Fear is about thing that you can't control" He said  "The future, or the dark, or someone trying to kill you. You don't get scared of yourself."
"Are you afraid of yourself?" My eyes were locked on his. His eyes widened sightly.  He began to laugh. A cold, strange laugh.
"How funny you are..."
It made my blood froze.

It took me time to finish closing his wound.
I had difficulties to stay awake and i was slow.
Plus having a cold blooded serial killer in front of me, might be affecting my mood...
When I finally finished I stood up and went to grab something in a cupboard. Never leaving him out my sight.
As much as I hated it I approached him with a rope.

I tied him in a death silence and he had a smirk on his freaking face.
He was really driving me insane.
I sat on a chair in front of him and spoke coldly, trying to hide any emotion.
"I'm going to sit here until you speak. Until you tell me everything about Eden."

Dabi didn't even seem to bother with the rope. This was likely something he's had experience with, and he didn't look overly concerned or threatened by the situation. He simply kept his head down at his side, appearing relaxed. He made no move towards the rope whatsoever. His eyes remained closed, giving the impression of disinterest. However, his breathing was shallow, as if he were holding his breath. It was impossible to determine if he was simply holding back due to not seeing the point in exerting himself, or if there were other reasons why he wasn't physically retaliating.
But in any case he wasn't gaving up on his smirk.

And he stayed silent.

For a moment I thought I was going to hit him very hard in his balls but I decided to wait a little bit.
He will eventually break at some point, isn't he...?
So I watched him.
But you know the problem when you are running on five hours of sleep?

So when the light fades away. When all you hear is your heartbeat.
It's cool right? To sleep... when you aren't conscious of yourself. When even your thoughts dies.

Correction: it's nice to sleep when you don't have fucking nightmares AND A KILLER NEXT TO YOU.

But like always, the calm sleep subsied for snowy streets and a small girl running and falling. And now due to unfortunate circumstances, I'm awake, gasping for air.
When my brain started working again, I wanted to stab myself.
The rope was on the ground still smoking where it was cut.
The flat was silent but I knew he was still here.

I stood up silently walking in the dark. And went to grab a knife on the kitchen worktop.
But suddenly he grabbed me from behind, his hands burning.
I quickly turned to face him, ready to stab him. But he grabbed my wrist and pointed the knife toward me.
He had this glint in his eyes. It made me terrified.

I summuned all my strengh to turn the blade toward him. My mind was racing. I wasn't going to make it... I was going to die.
My hand started to burn. He was burning it.
"Fuck!" The pain was sharp and I only managed to hold the blade a few seconds before I let it fall to the ground with moans of pain.
I held my wrist but it only made the pain worse.

"You are weak, you are going to die."No emotions, just a statement in his voice. But in his eyes...
His eyes were filled with sadism. He was enjoying my pain. He leaned on me while his flames were getting highter and brighter, the warmth licking my cheek.

I hit him, scratched him with all my remaining strenght. I was struggling against death.
But he wasn't moving, he wasn't even flinching. It was like he wasn't feeling this.
Like he wasn't feeling anything...

He raised his hand and placed it on my chest.
I heard it faster than I felt it. I heard the skin cracking with a sucking sound.
I heard a long, agonizing rattle.
Then the pain came to my brain, with a delay.
A dull pain, twisting my head, making me lose all senses. And it was only at this moment that I understood. So close to the other side, seeing the eyes of the angel of death.
I understood that I wanted to live.

Under the pain I only had one remaining thought.
I couldn't die. Not now. Not like this.

The thought was spreading faster than the pain.
it was like an electric shock.
My eyes went dark and my mind went blank.


He could feel her heart beating faster and faster to keep her alive, feeling his host skin burning.
It's weird... usually he loves it.
Seeing a face twisting in pain, abandoning all hope. But there....He didn't like it.
Why though?
Maybe because it reminded him of something. Him? Or emotions?
Yeah that was it! He was feeling something... What was it though?
Fuck why is it so complicated!

But he was pulled from his thoughts.
The girl was surrounded by shadows. Powerful mass oozing from the pores of his skin. She seemed possessed. The mass began to crow on the floor, dense, ready to devour anyone in the way.


When I got conscious again I fell on my knees, my body gaving up as small remaning shadow wire were dancing around my hands.
I noticed a corpse near me.

"I'm sorry mom... I broke my promise again..." I muttered before falling uncounscious on the floor.

The sweet oblivion of sleep welcoming me with its icy arms.

Yeah... I know, Dabi is one heck of a emotional...
But don't worry it'll get better...
You hope so...

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