Chapter 1 : Luna era splendida

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It was cold, as cold as the full moon on this December night.
The streetlights only illuminate a gang of stray cats rummaging in trash cans.
I leaned down, burying my face in my hands to protect myself from the wind.
I knew I had to go back to my apartment and try to sleep.
I knew I couldn't sit on a street bench forever looking at the moon.
It was after midnight and I was exhausted but I knew that even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

The demons wouldn't allow it.

It was a quiet night, no one on the streets, even the usual drunk and drug dealing guys seemed to have disappeared.
I played with my lighter for a while, the only source of heat in this cold night.
I finally managed to move, my muscles and fingers stiff from the biting cold. I stuffed them in my pockets after pulling my scarf up over my nose... I got up with difficulty and left slowly.

It's been a long day...
It had been a shit day.

I was almost there, a few meters from my building, when life decided to give me another middle finger.

The calm was broken by a police siren.
This was quite common in this area of Musutafu, given the high level of crime, so I didn't think too much of it.
I didn't notice the siren getting closer. I stopped for a moment to smoke.
I take long drags, I let them burn my lungs before blowing out little white clouds

And when the high pitched sound finally hit me, a tall man appeared around the corner, running.
He wore all black clothing with a hood hiding his face.

The first thing I noticed was that he wasn't running very fast.
He was stumbling, probably injured...
Hmm...probably another one who thought he could sell drugs, make easy money that way and get away with it...
I thought to myself.
There have been a lot of cases like this lately.
Guerrillas between gangs or drug dealers and other shitty business like that.

But my thoughts were interrupted when another man crossed the street, trapping the fugitive.

He was a hero, judging by his flashy costume.
I was leaning against the wall of the lobby of my building, relaxed, taking long puffes of tobacco and watching the scene boredly.
I expected the hero to stop the guy easily since he was injured.
But I understood the middle finger that life gave me when a huge column of cerulean fire struck the hero, knocking him to the ground.

"Well shit..." I muttered, dropping my cigarette on the floor.
Better not hang around here, with one of the most wanted villains only a few meters away.
But I couldn't return to my apartment without being noticed and I wasn't very sure of my chances of survival in this case.
So I stayed still, frozen.

Dabi's flames had covered the street and locked the hero in a fiery prison. The villain slowly approached the hero who was screaming in pain.
And he killed him.
I could hear the crunching of bones, the smell of burning flesh. Blood oozed along the tar, mixing with the muddy waters of the gutters.

He killed him, just like that... in the blink of an eye...
Dabi looked at the lifeless and shapeless body, a cold and indifferent expression on his face. He remains silent, breathing heavily and looking at his hands, as if searching for answers...

My mind couldn't process what had just happened. I felt like I was in a dream, unable to think or move.
Or rather... a memory, which would have come from where it was rotting.
I didn't realize my nails were digging into my arms, almost reaching the blood.
I didn't realize it until something occurred to me.

A pair of ocean blue eyes looked at me, staring at me.

God, I hate my life...

I always thought a lot about how I was going to die.

I always knew I wouldn't die peacefully in my bed at an old age... but I never thought I would be burned alive.
I wish I had something less... painful.

The problem is that I have something to do before I die.
And I must do it, even if it means ignoring the sweet call of death.
Or cremation in this situation....

It's funny when you think about it... I started my day like any other day: With caffeine.

And while I was drinking my coffee, I heard something on the radio:
"...The LOV attacked the American Embassy. They have been besieging it for several hours and have yet to make any demands. The heroes are working to safely free the hostages before engaging in combat. In the hostages are find the American ambassadors and emissaries come to Japan to propose a partnership in the nuclear field-" I turned off the radio.

Some say that after the rain comes the good weather (which is a crappy fact, not a wise phrase.)
And you know, I thought it was over. That the rain had affected me enough. That misfortune was conditional.
Because after all, what were the chances of snow hitting me again, huh?
I thought it was my turn.

Do you smell that?
The smell of fucking irony?

Because back to the present here I am, curling up into a ball and closing my eyes like it's going to make everything go away.
And, spoiler!.....that's not the case.

I keep my eyes closed, waiting for the end and then I hear it.
The sound of Dabi's hoarse voice right in front of me...

I opened my eyes, which I immediately regretted when I met his.
Dabi's lips were curled into a smile, his teeth glinting in the moonlight. His piercings reflecting the light of the street lamps, accentuating the darker color of his burns.
His cerulean eyes bore into mine, piercing my soul.
They were so empty, scarier than a black hole.

"Afraid?" His voice was powerful, terrifying.
I looked at him with tired eyes.

"You just killed a man...are you going to kill me?" I asked him simply.
He watched me carefully. Her orbs as cold as polar water.
Then he started laughing.
A crazy laugh that awakened the most primal instinct in me.
My instinct was screaming at me to run.
And because I'm a stupid human being, I started running.
He was injured. This could work for me... right?

My mind was quickly thinking of a way to save my cute ass when I realized I had run in the opposite direction of my apartment.
God, I hate myself so much...

I ran under the flickering lights of the streetlamps.

I ran as my life depended on it. (irony the return)

I could still hear him laugh. A manic laugh.
I engaged myself in a side alleyway. Only to realise....
It was a fucking dead end!
Shit, shit, shit. I started to panic as the cold giggle grew closer.

I backed up in the alley until my back was pressed against the wall.

The sound of his footsteps were filling the cold night.
His presence looming closer.
A sudden shadow appeared on me in a sharp mouvement.
He had found me...
Dabi was standing in front of me. "You are not getting out of this so easly, little mouse.... you've seen my face.... and that is a problem."

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