Chapter 13: A doua și a treia crimă.

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I ran towards the car, leaving fleeting footprints in the muddy water on the road.
The rain had the time to wet my hair before I managed to get into the cabin and throw my bag on the back seat.
Mom started instantly, her hands gripping the steering wheel, she was driving fast, much faster than she should have.
The world appeared to me, passing through the window, distorted by the water running over the glass. The city lights formed halos, a source of heat almost out of place in this cold and gray universe.
I could no longer be silent, the silence was overwhelming.
"Where are we going?"
"Elsewhere, far away." I remained silent, the information appearing in black letters in my mind.
"Why?" She owed me an answer, she had no right to do that without giving me the reason.
We were at a red light, the red appeared like an omen. she nervously tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, staring at me, her life-weary eyes narrowed on me.

"It's dangerous for us to stay here."
It was unfair, so unfair. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?! Answer me! Why am I involved?!"

She seemed so far away, so far away from me.
I had never seen her in such a state.
She looked like one of those drug addicts in withdrawal, her fingers trembling, her wide-open eyes glancing around frantically.
"Trust me okay? It's going to be fine."  I couldn't tell who she was trying to reassure, me or herself.

"Trust you?! Can you hear yourself talking!?! Explain to me !" I was angry, struggling with my belt which I twisted nervously.
She wasn't listening to me, it was infuriating.
"Answer me!!!!" I snapped.
My mother pillaged, almost sending me smashing my forehead on the dashboard. My seat belt catching me in time, straining against my skin.
Fortunately we were alone on the road otherwise we would have had serious problems.

I stared at her as if I was seeing her for the first time, my eyes wide with dismay. I didn't recognize her, it looked like she had woken up in just a few moments.
I was grown up, in a period of my life that is said to be chaotic but... Even seeing my mother in this state scared me, it was like being a child lost in a supermarket.

I started to shiver. I didn't know if it was because of the cold or because my mother was yelling at me.

"Stop! Shut up!
It's for you that I do all this!
I have lived my whole life for you, renouncing everything. In fear of losing you because of your quirk...
So, listen to me! I'll explain later but for now we have to get out of this town quickly!"
She spoke quickly, oscillating between anger and fear, her voice cracking as it rose in pitch. Her gaze was harsh, painful, although clouded with tears.
I noticed that my vision was also blurred. I raised my hand and wiped away a tear falling down my cheek.
My heart was aching. My mind was full of unsaid sentence and apologies  which I knew will never be said. My mother took deep breaths.
The silence was noisy, the rain pouring on the windows violently.

Suddenly aggressive colors attracted my attention. The police. The motherfucking police was behind us.
A shrill ringtone disarmed us.
My mother gave a slight cry, a mixture of despair and anger. I was about to get out of the car at the beacon call from the two police cars behind us when she grabbed my hand. She squeezed me so tightly that I had a red mark when she let go and started the car, jerking the shifter. "Mom...?"

The car took off at full speed and sped along the slippery streets of Mustafu.
I gripped my seat, my knuckles going white, I squeezed my eyes shut. The police followed us with distressing speed.

Our poor old car couldn't stand being abused like that, the tires screeched in the turns.
The car was skidding and my heart was beating fast and irregularly, breaking the rhythm of the siren in my ears. Then another sound was added to this chaotic night. Gunshots.

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