Chapter 2

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Breanna awoke in a dimly lit room, disoriented and groggy. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and she could feel the remnants of the tranquilizer's effects lingering in her system. As her vision cleared, she noticed she was restrained to a cold, metallic table.

The room was sterile, with an unsettling hum of machinery in the background. The injured woman was in a similar state, lying on another table nearby. Panic surged within Breanna as she tried to make sense of their surroundings.

A figure clad in a lab coat and a face mask approached, scrutinizing a clipboard. "Subject 249, designated Brea. Vital signs stable. No signs of aggression or heightened viral activity."

Viral activity? Breanna's mind raced. The word sent shivers down her spine, triggering memories of the frenzied attack in the forest. She struggled against her restraints, demanding answers, "Where are we? What do you want?"

The masked figure ignored her, continuing with their clinical observations. "Subject 241, designated Enigma. Vital signs consistent with earlier data. Unusual resistance to viral effects."

Enigma? Breanna glanced at the injured woman, realizing the gravity of the situation. Whatever had infected the woman in the forest doesn't sounds good. Yet, against all odds, Breanna appeared to be immune.

As the figure approached with a syringe, Breanna tensed, ready to resist whatever they planned to administer. "You won't get away with this!" she spat, her voice filled with defiance.

The figure paused, their masked gaze fixed on Breanna. "You're a unique case, Subject 249. The virus doesn't affect you. We need to understand why."

Breanna's mind whirred with a mix of fear and determination. The situation was far from ordinary, and she had unwittingly stumbled into a dark experiment involving an unknown virus. As the figure injected something into the injured woman, Breanna felt a surge of anger. "What are you doing to her?"

The response was cold and clinical, "Observing the effects of the virus on different subjects. You're an anomaly, and anomalies need to be studied."

The room's metallic surfaces seemed to close in on Breanna. She needed to escape, to find out more about this mysterious virus and why it spared her. The restraints around her wrists tightened, but she fought against them, driven by a desperate need for freedom.

In the midst of her struggle, she overheard snippets of a conversation between the masked figures, their voices hushed but revealing fragments of a larger, more ominous plan. "We've isolated a unique strain in Subject 249. The potential applications could be groundbreaking."

Breanna's heart raced as she understood the gravity of her situation. The pursuit in the forest, the tranquilizers, and now this sterile lab - she had become an unwitting pawn in a dangerous experiment. Then, she was exposed to a live feed of those infected by the virus inside one of the lab's room. Breanna watched in horror as they tore into human flesh with frenzied desperation, their eyes vacant and bodies contorted. "F-Fuck!"

The virus had turned them into ravenous, mindless creatures driven solely by an insatiable hunger for human flesh, "N-No, this is not real!"

"Pleaseee...this is not real!" She tried to deny. But, as she witnessed the gruesome scenes, Breanna felt a deep-rooted dread. The realization hit her like a tidal wave - the virus was a weapon, a bioengineered nightmare with the potential to unleash apocalyptic chaos upon the world.

Her unique resistance to the virus had unwittingly made her a key subject in the masked figures' pursuit of control. Breanna's desperation to escape intensified, and the room's sterile atmosphere grew increasingly unsettling. The masked figures moved with clinical precision, their actions shrouded in secrecy. The syringe approached her arm, and with a surge of strength, she managed to twist away.

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