Chapter 8

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The forest room echoed with the groans of disintegrating monsters, and Brea, though initially an outsider to their shared ordeal, found herself an integral part of this desperate ensemble.

Jack, his gaze unwavering, called out amidst the chaos. "Stay focused! We push forward until we find the rest centre."

As they regrouped during the cooldown periods, Brea's internal conflict intensified. She could see the fear etched on her colleagues' faces each time a flesh-eater lunged with gnashing teeth. The desperation to avoid bites, a stark reminder of the contagion that transformed humans into monsters, was palpable.

As she watched the banter unfold, she couldn't help but feel a strange camaraderie forming amidst the chaos. As they readied themselves for the next wave of flesh-eaters, Blake directed the group: "Brea, use your agility to scout ahead. Jack, cover our rear. Nick, prepare for the next burst of energy when they get close."

The forest room transformed into a battleground once again. Brea, embracing her newfound agility, darted gracefully through the twisted trees, avoiding the encroaching flesh-eaters. With his enhanced strength, Jack wielded a makeshift weapon, deflecting attacks and holding the rear guard. Recovering from the cooldown, Nick prepared for the next display of his disintegration power.

The team's coordination improved with each encounter. Blake's leadership, though reluctant, became a beacon of guidance. "Brea, bring them closer. Jack, clear the path. Nick, on my signal."

The forest resounded with the echoes of power and desperation. As the flesh-eaters closed in, Nick unleashed another surge of energy, disintegrating them into nothingness. Yet, the countdown to the next opportunity underscored the fleeting nature of their advantage.

The three minutes felt like an eternity for Brea as she danced through the melee, her agility proving essential in diverting the attention of the flesh-eaters. Though bound by a shared plight, the team faced the harsh reality that their powers alone couldn't guarantee escape.

Between the bursts of power, conversations flowed with determination and frustration. Nick grimacing during the cooldown, remarked, "I swear, if I could punch these things without the cooldown, I'd do it gladly."

As Brea's agile dance continued, a sudden crack echoed through the forest room. The ground beneath her feet shifted, causing a surge of panic. "What the hell?" Brea's voice cut through the chaos.

Blake, eyes widening, shouted, "Watch out! The terrain is unstable!"

The forest room, once a fabricated haven, revealed its dark secrets. Unseen traps and pitfalls, hidden beneath the illusion of nature, posed a new threat. The group, still battling the relentless undead, now faced an additional challenge – navigating a landscape that seemed intent on devouring them.

Reacting with quick instincts, Brea leapt away from an unstable patch of ground just as it collapsed, revealing a dark abyss beneath. "We've got to be careful where we step!"

The situation intensified as the undead horde exploited the terrain's instability, forcing the group to focus on the treacherous ground and the relentless attackers. Already engaged with a zombie, Jack stumbled on the shifting terrain, narrowly avoiding a fall.

"Damn it! This place is rigged!" Nick grunted, his agile moves now essential for battling zombies and avoiding the unstable ground.

Brea, her heightened agility becoming a double-edged sword, continued to dance on the precarious landscape. "We need to find solid ground. This is insane!"

Blake, analyzing the situation, shouted, "Head toward the clearing! It looks more stable there!"

Now forced into a strategic retreat, the group navigated the unpredictable terrain. Zombies, relentless as ever, took advantage of the chaos, lunging forward with renewed vigour. Each step became a calculated risk, the dance of survival now entwined with the perils of a shifting battleground.

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