Chapter Two

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Chan's POV

I miss him.
It's been seven years since he left us. How could we have been so stupid to let him go. That year had been stressful for all of us but we took it out on him. He didn't deserve anything that we threw at him. The day we had realized what we had been doing for the past two and a half months we decided to stay in the office for a couple of days to finish up all the work we had to finally spend time with our sunshine. But what we didn't know was that he was already gone.


Seven Years Ago

"Felix we're home!!" yelled Jisung.
" Baby come here we want to talk to you, " continued Hyunjin.
"Jeongin can you go call him he may be asleep." asked Minho
"Yeah hyung."


A few seconds later Jeongin returned a little confused.
"Hyung he's not in his room."
"What do mean he's not in his room, where could he have gone?
Someone call him see where he is." Jisung rapped.
They heard his ringtone in the house.
Changbin yelled, "He left his phone behind!"

"Guys there's a note in the kitchen," yelled Minho. "What does it say?"
"He said that he's ending his relationship with us and that it was better for us to be apart," cried Seungmin.
I ran to his room to find everything in its place all the pictures his camera even his bed was still messy from him waking up. I walked up to his closet to find it empty only our clothes was left behind. " He really left."
"We have to find him. Call everyone we know he might have gone with his family or one of his friends." said Minho.
After an hour we had called everyone we knew but no one knew where he was.
" Hyung... he also said not to look for him," Seungmin whispered.


Third POV

Everyone was a mess not only did our omega leave us but he had left no clue to where he was going. "Hyung what if we never find him?" asked Jisung. "No we have to find him, we have to apologize for how we were these past months, we have to let him know how much we love him." sobbed Changbin.


Chan's POV

It's been seven years and still nothing. We even went to JYP the first week but he said that Felix had quit his job a couple days ago and wouldn't be modeling anymore. We tried to keep contact with his family but after a couple months he had blocked us on everything, he probably figured out what was going on or Felix had told him what had happened.

We had hired a private investigator but they said that they couldn't find a single trace of him. After the fifth year we had stopped going to other people for help and tried to look for him ourselves in between schedules but for two years nothing.
Jisung had decided it would be better for us to take some time off of work. So with JYPs permission we are able to take a year off he had rented a house somewhere on the other side of the country. Hopefully we could take our minds off work for awhile and begin the search for him again.
I just hope he's okay.

Second chapter is done. I just realized how cliche this story is gonna be but i hope you stick with me through this.
Not proof-read

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