Chapter Thirteen

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Felix's POV

"Baby why did you call him appa you've never called him that before?" " Well to be completely honest mama me and Junnie were listening behind the door and we saw how soft he looked and how hurt he got when you rejected him." " Is this true Junnie?" Seojun looked away timidly. " Yeah momma plus he wasn't like all the other alphas who were persistent on getting your number or going on a date." " Plus the fact that he's our appa we decided to give five points for being nice." " Five points?" "Yeah mom we agreed that if we like an alpha for you we would grade on how he does things and what he's like." " And he has fast reflexes so that's an extra five points."

"You guys are so weird." "Hey mama you got to admit it, this is pretty smart of us." " Okay then who else have you graded other than your appa." " Umm nobody all the other alphas were either mean to or just plain weird." "So far appa has fifteen points and everyone else has zero." "Well okay, good for your appa then huh?" " Yeah mama cause if he had zero i think you would've never gotten a mate again." " PFFT okay sunshines."

What am i going to do with them? Jeongin was the only one that didn't treat me as badly, sure he ignored me but he never told me to fuck off, slap my hand away or push me. They must have heard me telling Wooyoung a couple years ago. I guess they kept thought of that these years. Should i call him or should i tell him that we're over. If I go with either one of those i'm still gonna need to call him. I rolled my eyes stupid communication things. Should I just text him? Maybe I should ask the babies they'll know what to do. After all they like him already I could take them out to the park and meet the rest of their dads, maybe they'll give them points as well. Ahh what am I thinking. Pfft points my sunshines are so weird. I wonder how they came up with that.


Seongjoon's POV

"Okay guys so this is what we are gonna do?" " What?" " Let me finish Jun." " Okay we will get mama to meet all of our appas and grade them on how they treat him and their personalities. Jeongin appa already has fifteen points, so how hard will it be for our other appas." " Sure but you gotta think about this Seong, mom left them for a reason. Jeongin appa was the only one that wasn't as mean as the others, he just ignored him. All of our other appas were mean and even slapped him away." " Well yeah Jun but do we really want mama to be alone what if one day bad alphas come and try to take him away. We are too small right now and now that appas are back they could help protect him from them." " Yeah and we could protect momma from appas if they start being butts. After all the last time they were butts to momma we weren't around. But now we are and lords forbid that they're mean to him again." said Junnie. " Yeah Junnie is right Jun mama has us this time." " Okay fine but if they do anything to hurt mom again no more appas. Deal?" "Deal."
" Okay let's go tell momma."
"Operation family is a go."
"You're so weird Seong."
"Thank you Jun."

" Mama we have a big favor to ask." Okay babies what is it?" " Ummm actually Junnie will tell you." Seojun looked at me surprised and i smiled sheepishly back. " Umm" he started, " W-we wanted to a-ask you if we c-could meet the rest of our appas." Mama looked at us surprised. "Do you really want to babies?" " Yeah mama we want to grade all of them." "Pfftt oh okay are you sure though?" He looked at us smiling. "Yes, mom if we don't grade them now you're gonna end up single for the rest of your life." We all looked at him and he busted out laughing. Hehe he's soo pretty. " Okay babies i'll call your appas tomorrow and set up a appointment okay, but it'll only be you guys i have to work. And i know you guys know the neighborhood so come to mama if anything happens okay?"
" Yes momma mom mama."
With that we turned to sit at a table far from him. " Okay my beloved brothers tomorrow our plan begins. Junnie don't give out points just because they are our appas." " Of course i know that Seong, i'm going to grade them hard. I want momma to be happy too."
"Okay Jun you'll keep count because i'll forget and Junnie is too nice." "Deal."

" Operation Family is on its way."
" Once again you're so weird."
"Be quiet Jun."

Chapter Thirteen complete.
Not proof-read.

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