Chapter Thirty

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I'm sorry for not updating as much as I used to. I'll try to update at least two chapters every week. If I forget to update feel free to remind me. Thank you for liking my story. I plan to make more so please tell me what ships or groups you would want to see.


Felix's POV

"Oh hyung!"
"Hey, how are you feeling?" " I'm feeling good hyung. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Seoul?" " Yeah but when I called San I heard about your incident so I came back for a little while." "Aww hyung you shouldn't have. You must have been busy with everything up there." " Ehh it's fine sunshine. I'm just glad you're okay." He smiled. "Still Lucas hyung thanks for coming here." " No problem sunshine." Glancing around Lucas saw the munchkins sleeping, gasping quietly. "Are these the babies you were pregnant with when I left?" " Hehehe yeah." "Wow they're so big sunshine what are their names?" "The one on the left is Seongjoon, the one on the right is Seungjun and the smaller one in the middle is Seojun." "God sunshine they are handsome. They have your freckles but they don't really look like you." He said sheepishly. " Yeah they take after their fathers." Hearing this Lucas paused. "So sunshine when can you leave the hospital?" "Oh in a couple days the doctor said I'm pretty much healed and only have a few check ups here and there." "That's good baby-" Before he could finish his sentence the door opened. Turning he saw a very buff alpha walk in with bags of what smelled like food. "Baby we got you your food and some for the triplets too." Looking up Changbin smiled before seeing Lucas. "Thank you Binnie, I'm starving." "No problem love, so who's this?" "Ohh Binnie hyung this is Lucas hyung. He's a friend of mine that used to live here while I was pregnant with the triplets. He moved to Seoul just before they were born." "Nice to meet you." "Yeah you too."


Third POV

"Lucas hyung this is the biological father of Seongjoon and one of my mates." Smiling widely at Changbin Lucas shook his hand. "When did you come in contact with them again sunshine?" He questioned. " A few months ago actually they came here on vacation and found me and the triplets." Felix explained. Turning with Felix to look at Changbin his stare hardened. " Oh that's nice sunshine." Changbin looked at Lucas with a smirk knowing that this alpha also ended up falling in love with their baby. "Well baby I should let you eat. I'll come back another day. Make sure to call me when you get out okay?" "Okay hyung be careful thanks for coming." Smiling at Felix he walked out, looking back seeing his sunshine smiling so widely at one of his mates.

Lucas was mad. How dare they come back here after treating him like that all those years ago. Just when he was planning to ask Felix if he could be responsible for him and help raise the triplets they decide to show up again. He didn't mind that Felix still had feelings for his mates but he wanted to be the one to protect him and the tripets for the rest of their lives. Finally being successful enough to live comfortably with Felix and the triplets he called San to know why Felix wasn't answering his phone. He found out about the incident and that Felix was in the hospital in a coma. He rushed to Daegu quickly to make sure he and the babies were alright. Only to find the love of his life reconnected with his ex lovers. If they think they could come here and win him back without trying they have another thing coming.


Changbin's POV

Finally that dude left. Why does our baby have to be so perfect? Letting all these guys fall in love with him left and right. Jeez the guys and I are gonna have to make a plan for our sunshine to be completely ours. Maybe ask him on more dates and after fulling winning him back ask him to marry us. That sounds like the perfect plan. Him being our husband, all of us living together in a big house that'll fit all of our kids. He may be pregnant but that never stopped the enemies before. Seeing a pregnant Felix was a blessing and that blessing was given to all the guys that were next to him while he was pregnant with the triplets. But not this time, this time we're going to stay next to him and protect him from all the weirdos out there. "Binnie hyung~? " "Binnie hyung!" " Hmmm sorry baby what's up?" " Are you okay you've been spacing out since Lucas hyung left?" Ugh that name." Yeah baby I'm fine just thinking." "Oh okay well anyways where are the rest of our mates?" "Oh they are getting food for themselves. I came first because I didnt want you to starve." I giggled. " Hey I wasn't gonna starve." He pouted. "Yes you were, you exclaimed that you were starving so I came as fast as I could." I smiled when he blushed finally remembering our conversation earlier.

"We're back!!!" yelled Jisung. Me and Felix shushed him. " Sungie the babies are still sleeping." whispered Felix. "Oops sorry baby I was just excited. The two weeks without you were so painful." "Aww I'm sorry Sungie I promise not to be away from you for too long from now on." "Okay promise! You can't break it okay?!" "Okay Sungie." Felix giggled. He really is the cutest little thing ever. His cute smile, cute eyes, cutest freckles and his baby cheeks. Ugh I'm in love. "How's the food baby?" asked Chan. "Oh I haven't tried it yet, Lucas hyung was here when Binnie brought it in." I looked up at my mates and saw them all frozen. Pfft here we go again.


Third POV

"Who?" asked Minho. "Ahh Lucas hyung is a close friend Felix had when he moved here." smirked Changbin. "Is he not a friend anymore?" questioned Jeongin. "No he is, he moved away in my last trimester to start his business in Seoul. But we've been in contact occasionally." answered Felix. "Binnie hyung met him before he left and I think he liked him. Right Binnie?" They all turned to look at Changbin who smiled at Felix. "Yeah, he seemed nice." Happy that his mate liked his friend Felix went to eat his food not noticing the silent conversation going on.
Whispering softly they all huddled while Felix was eating. "So who was this friend?" they questioned. Smiling slightly Changbin answered. "Oh you'll love him he's a six foot tall alpha that is completely in love with our baby." They froze again before quietly yelling, "WHAT!!" "Oh yeah he was really handsome and from what I gathered he loves sunshine with his whole heart but then again who doesn't." "How do you know that?" " Well my beloved Jeonginie he was looking at him the way we all look at him." "Crap." They all sat quietly thinking of how they were going to tell the dude that Felix was completely taken. " What are you guys doing?" Breaking out of thought they turned to the omega. " Nothing baby just thinking what we should do for our next date." answered Seungmin. They all sighed relieved that the only one with braincells came up with an excuse. Turning to Felix they saw how he brightened, "We're going on another date?" "Of course baby we're going to make up for all the dates we couldn't go on before and during the past seven years." "Really?" "Yeah sunshine is there anywhere or anything you want to do?" questioned Hyunjin. " Well there's not much to do but the babies are going back to school soon so we should do family activities with them. I think they'll love it." "Wait they're going back? When did they start school? They're babies they shouldn't be in school yet." whined Jisung. "Sungie baby they are seven. They started school early at five years old instead of six. And they are on summer break their second semester starts in a month give or take, so we have plenty of time before they go back." "But that's-" "Sungie its okay you'll still see them they come home after school they don't live there." "Fine." he pouted.


"Appa when can we go home?" "Hey baby good morning!" "Good morning." Seojun smiled. "We could go home in about two days my love." Felix whispered. "Can you wake your brothers up? You guys must be hungry." "Okay momma." After shaking his brothers awake they all ate whatever their appas bought them. After eating they asked the babies what they wanted to do before they go back to school. "Okay sunshines before you go back to school is there anything you want to do?" asked Felix. " Oooo can we go to the park and have a picnic together?" "Sure Junnie. When do you want to go?" "Can we go when momma gets better?" " Sure baby we could go this weekend, we could go to the park where we had your birthday party." "Oh appas what should we play when we go?" asked Seongjoon. "We can play whatever you want baby." smiled Changbin. "Okay then. I'm free to leave on Wednesday which is in two days. I'll rest for two more days and then we'll go on Saturday. Deal?" Felix asked. In return he got a multiple voices saying, "Deal."

Chapter complete.
Don't worry Lucas is one of the good ones.
Not proof-read.

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