Last Chapter For Bob And Tim

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Yah this is the last chapter for Bob and Timothy. I'm not writing gore though, I'm leaving that to selenurbread. Sorry, if you don't want to do it, I could try it. You don't actually have to write that entire chapter of Bob and Timothy's death. If I fail writing it however, we shall never know what happened to them.

... I write smut better than gore tf-


Yvonne's POV

So, apparently we got 2 new people in the group.

selenurbread. Queen of bread. ("The council of bread agreed to make me queen so.")

wgpcagntn. Otherwise Slot. ("My favorite animals are sloths and someone already took the user "SlothsAreCute" so I had to make one up and it was "SlotAreCute", and "wgpcagntn"? I honestly forgot what it stood for-")

What strange names... Anyway!

They seem to be nice so far, and since they voted that I was the nicest one here they left me in charge of asking questions as to why and how they are here.

First up, selenurbread.


"I want to kill Bob and Timothy for hurting Mama Iris."

"Didn't you hurt her too-"



"The Mist brought me."

Last but not least, Slot.


"For hurting Mama Iris."



"Slot?" I asked.



"Gulps. I.."

"Slot. Just spit it out."

"I ended up eating brownies which were the same special brownies that I ate tonight. So then I saw some glitches, glitter, a dog humping a pipe and Mahali and Aides hooking up. Then I fell into a hole. And then Mist came and said "You're going with them" and I was like "okay 👍" and then they dragged me here and now I'm here."

"... What the fuck-"


Aide's POV

"Urgh- coughs... Ugh.... Where am I?" I said looking up to see ocean blue eyes. "Blackout?"

"Ruff!" Hey, at least he replied. It's the effort that matters.

"Hey there Aides." said a soft but firm voice.

"What?? Who's there!!"

"Woah, calm down there." said the stranger.

I looked where the voice was coming from... It was Dad's voice... And it was Dad herself...



"Dad I'm sorry-"


"ok." ...

I can't take it. "Dad, look-" "no." "ok."


"Look, Dad-"


"ok." ...


"Yeah Dad?"

"Please don't get high again, or drunk. Please"

"ok Dad."


"... Did the Mist make you soft or was it Mama-"

"shut up and sleep."



Lani's POV

"Hey! Heard you were new."

"What the fuck, who are you??" inquired selenurbread.

"I'm Lani Dewan Daley Harris Malama."

"Without those middle names."

"Lani Malama."

She looked over to Slot and raised an eyebrow. Slot leaned in and whispered into her ear. Her eyes opened wide in understanding. What were they talking about? Eh, not my problem!

"Lea le Lani, o a mai oe?"

"Fa'atali, e te iloa tautala fo'i i le gagana Samoa?"

"Ioe. O lea la, o a mai oe?"

"Ou te faia mea ofoofogia!! E le faitaulia le oti, ioe."

"E moni? E lelei le fa'a-"

"Wait wait wait, what the fuck are you saying???" interrupted selenurbread.

"Oh! Sorry! We were speaking in Samoan. Uh right, so where's Bob and Timothy?"

"Oh, we killed them remember?" Oh... Yeah now I remember.

"Yeah I remember now... What do we do now-"

"WE BLAST HAMILTON!!!!!" screamed selenurbread.

"I'm with her on this one." said Slot.

selenurbread then started BLASTING the Hamilton soundtrack. NGL this shit is good-

"HELPLESS" Yronica screeches.

"AND I KNOW SHE IS-" Eman screamed.




... I did not know that Eman and Yronica were Hamilton fans-




Mhm, this is what I'm talking about 😤


And that's the end of Timothy and Bob. Yeah I got tired of writing about them. But hey, I had fun at least (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

Also, we managed to get the drug info out of them. So yah, see y'all soon.

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