The Meanie

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The Meanie - Yronica Ayala.

Backstory -

Fake it till you make it.

A saying that Yronica was, unfortunately, acquainted with. She was all too familiar with it. And she hated that fact.

She knew her parents loved her but they never told her so. She knew why. They weren't satisfied. They didn't approve of her grades, even though she was at the top of the class. They will never be satisfied.

So she changed. People said that change was good, but if the people who said that saw Yronica, they would take it back. The first to notice these changes were Eman. She wouldn't say that they had a close relationship but she started being more passive aggressive. Why?

Because she was scared.

She was feeling new... Feelings... She had no idea what they were. Every time Eman touches her, there is a strange tingly feeling that erupts throughout her body. And the worst part? It felt good. She was always used to hating physical touch, even with Callum, her boyfriend. But with Eman, it was different. These new feelings have gotten worse ever since the sleepover.

And she knew Callum didn't love her anymore. She accepted that. However, she can't break up with him yet. Because of school. She knows this school's toxic gossip better than anyone. She was considered the Gossip Queen after all.

If she suddenly broke up with him and he announced that he and Aaaqil were dating all along, people would pity Yronica because her boyfriend has been cheating on her all this time and she had to deal with it. She doesn't and didn't need pity. That's the last thing she wanted. Pity. She despises it. Just till it's time to go to college.

She hated that too. She wished that the people here weren't as toxic and just accepted it. She knows they won't. Instead, they'll spread vicious rumors about them. And poor Aaaqil will be dragged into this. She didn't want that. She saw him as an annoying little brother that sprouted random cool facts. And she didn't want him to get hurt because of that.

Today, however, she was in detention. She has come to accept her feelings and planned to tell Eman and break up with Callum. She was getting tired of his ginger head anyway.


The door broke down and the Janitor- Aiden was his name, at least that's what Yronica thought- came in. He said something along the lines of having to evacuate.

She didn't care. It was probably Bob, her cousin, coming to kill her. He swore the last time they met that he would kill her after all. Besides, he's weak.

"Yronica, I said to get out! He's here for you!"

Ah. So it is Bob. Fitting name for a fugly.

She looked up.


And went out.

She decided to throw hands with Bob, because she wanted to end this childish squabble. As Bob's hand went down, she was planning to disarm him and put the blade against his neck. She did not plan, however, that the Janitor would take the hit for her.

After Bob twisted his hand, and murdered Aiden, she threw a right hook to the jaw. She was mad. He didn't have to go that far. She was sad at the same time too. She had met his wife and she was better than her own mom. She didn't know what to tell her either. Martha didn't deserve for her husband to die.

She lunged at Bob and took the pocket knife. She raised her hand and slit his throat. She stabbed him repeatedly in the head. I don't know why, but she just spaced out when she stood.

She turned and saw Principal Daryl.

"Principal Daryl..." she whispered. "I am... so sorry..."

All of a sudden, Bob's friend, Timothy, came out and pushed her down the stairs that was behind her. It was only 10 steps, not that much but she still closed her eyes. And then, there was... A white mist surrounding her.

"Hey there!!" said a cheerful voice.

She opened her eyes. In front of her was a bloody... Ghost? That had chains wrapped around her.

"Where am I?"



Speed: 8/10 (since the survivor is Looper)

Fear Radius Size: 2/10

Detection CD: 60 seconds. Length: 5s.

Attack Recovery Time: 2 seconds.

Weapon: Pocket knife.


Age: 18

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual 💅✨

Height: 5'6"

Nationality: Chinese-Filipina

Lover: Killer! Eman.


Passive - Trash Talk.

Any survivors that engage a chase with her will have their speed and stamina go down by 4. If slow, 2. When she manages to down a survivor, each class has a different effect. Supports healing speed goes down by 5, composure by 3, speed by 4, stealth by 5, stamina by 4. Loopers speed goes down by 5, healing by 4, composure by 3, stamina by 5. Genrushers speed goes down to 3, stamina by 2, healing by 2, composure by 3. All survivors are knocked down to 3 smarts. Except for Nathan and Sera. They got an upgrade since Mist decided to be nice. Lasts for until 2 gens are completed.


Active - Suicidal.

After chasing a survivor for 60 seconds, she will have the ability to Trash Talk them into killing themselves. This is also her way to kill, but only if she catches them off guard.


" Wow... You're so pathetic. "

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