Chapter 2

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Pounding on the door woke me up. It took me a while to process, but when I did, I opened the bedroom door.

"There are rules I want to cover." Colby mumbled tiredly.He seems to have just woke up, hair messy and hooded eyes.

We walked down the stairs together, before he paused. He turned to look at me. We looked at my hand before nodding and continuing on.

He sat on one end of the couch as I sat on the other. He sighed as he looked me over. I was still wearing the same outfit from yesterday, a hoodie and jeans.

"Just because we are married, doesn't mean I want you all up in my business. We shall attend events together, and make it look like we are together. Don't speak unless spoken to. And NEVER go into my office. Got it?" He spoke harshly regardless of him being tired. I nodded at him without speaking. "Good, oh and don't go around telling people about this."

Colby stood and left head back up the stairs. I heard his bedroom door slam shut before deciding to head back to my own room.

I knew I wasn't getting anymore sleep and honestly that didn't bother me. I dug through my suitcase grabbing a half decent outfit.

I brushed my hair out and did my makeup before styling my curtain bangs

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I brushed my hair out and did my makeup before styling my curtain bangs.

I knew Colby probably wouldn't approve of the outfit but I didn't really care. To him this was probably to help get status which honestly bothered me. The man probably didn't even know what love was.

I grabbed my house key and my phone before slipping on my shoes. I left the house locking the door behind me.

I walked to the nearest coffee shop hoping that they had half decent coffee. I waited in line scrolling through Instagram.

The line moved quickly and it didn't take long before I was up to the counter. I ordered and paid before receiving my coffee.

I left the coffee shop, sitting at a nearby park. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I fished it out of my pocket, taking another drink.

Colby: Get your ass home. We have places to be.

Me: Be back in 10

I pondered where we would have to be so early, but I didn't bother asking why. I walked back to the house, ignoring the people who stared at me.

I made it to the house to find a pissed off Colby inside. He was on the phone talking to someone.

"Alright mom." He sighed in defeat. "We will fly out there by Monday."

I waited patiently for him to hang up. He looked up at me and his temper quickly relighted.

"Where the hell were you!?" I almost laughed at the unnecessary anger in his voice.

"I went out to get coffee." I took the last drink of my coffee before throwing it away.

Colby sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Whatever we have to go. Can you pick out something for me to wear to match you cause I have a ton of shit to do before we go."

He didn't sound pissed any longer. Almost desperate, but I didn't understand why.

Instead of asking I walked up to his room, surfing through his dresser and closet. I picked a decent outfit and walked back downstairs knocking on his office door.

"Come in!" Colby hollered.

I took a deep breath before twisting the door knob. I opened the door and sat the clothes on his desk.

He immediately stood and stripped himself of his shirt. I couldn't help but watch.

His arms were littered with tattoos. His muscles flexed as he slid on the shirt.

"Are you gonna leave or are you gonna continue to stare?" He smirked.

My face burned before turning around and leaving his office. I internally panicked.

Get yourself together Millie. He's not all that. His personality is for shit!

I yelled at myself and shook my head. I sighed to myself. A few moments later Colby walked out in the outfit I picked for him.

 A few moments later Colby walked out in the outfit I picked for him

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Colby honestly looked hot in that outfit. No, don't say that. I shook my head and smiled at him.

The two of us walked out and got in his car. He didn't dare speak a word to me until he parked at a clothing store.

"We need to get you some good clothes for tonight. I have a business meeting and you are expected to be there." He got out and walked over to my side, opening the door for me.

We walked inside and Colby immediately looked for a shop clerk. I looked around the store, viewing the dresses on display.

Colby returned with a shop clerk, talking to her in careful description. "She needs a couple of dresses. Modest but a tad slutty. She will be quite useful that way. Preferably black or at least dark colors."

The shop clerk smiled at me and pulled me along to take measurements on my size. After taking measurements, she quickly went to work picking out dresses for me to try on. After picking a few, she led me to the dressing rooms, where Colby sat in front of.

I tried on each dress, getting an approved hum or a shake of the head from Colby. When we left, I walked out with a total of 4 dresses.

I sighed as returned home. It felt like we were in that store for hours.

Colby gave me time to relax and shower, letting me know that we'd be leaving by 6.

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