Chapter 5

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I woke up to yelling downstairs. It was Colby, but I knew he wasn't yelling for me. I just laid there, didn't get up until I heard the front door slam shut.

I took a deep breath and sighed, sitting up and looked around. I sat up from by bed and changed. Nothing fancy, just a hoodie and jeans.

I locked up the house when I left and called for an Uber. It didn't take too long for them to drive me to CVS.

I asked them to stay and drive me home. They agreed and parked the vehical. I walked inside and to the back counter.

"Ah, Ms. Wilters." The man at the counter welcomed me.

"Good afternoon, Adam." I smiled. "And it's Mrs. Brock now."

Adam looked almost stunned to here this. He has always had a thing for me so it didn't suprise me that he was upset.

"Oh, your are married now..?" He plastered a fake smile.

"Yeah, I guess.." I trailed off as I sighed.

"Are you not happy with him?" He questioned.

"It's complicated Adam.." I looked at him with dull eyes. "Anyways I need my precription. And I expect a name change soon."

Adam nodded. "Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"Actually, I think I'm flying out somewhere. Can we rescedule?" I gave him a hopeful glance.

"Millie, you know that my parents will be upset.." He trailed off.

"I'll call them myself ok? Talk to you later." I waved goodbye as I walk away.

I hoped Colby hadn't returned yet, but I realized that my prayers weren't heard when I saw Colby's car in the drive.

I took a deep breath as I walked in. What I saw didn't suprise me, but I felt numb.

Colby had his arms resting on the back of the couch as a woman straddled his lap. She smirked at me as Colby stared with dead eyes.

I stared back with my own numb ones as I smiled softly. I walk up to my room without saying a word. I grabbed my work clothes and took a shower.

I began to tear up. I know we aren't in love but how could he do this to me..? I began to actually cry. Did he really not remember last night?

I got out and got dressed before surfing through Kat's clothes for the paper Sam gave me this morning.

I typed in his number and texted him.

Me:Hey it's Millie. Are you busy?

Sam: Is this about Colby? I'm omw.

I smiled at the text as I packed my purse. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes, phone, small makeup bag, and keys.

I walked out to the living room, and tryed not to break at the sight of the women still in his lap. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water as I spoke.

"I'm heading out with Sam and to go to work. I won't be home till late tonight." I didn't dare look at them as I left.

I stood outside and lit a cigarette as I waited for Sam. It didn't take long before he reached the house.

"You know smoking is bad for you, right?" Sam rolled down the window as I put out the cigarette.

I just sighed in response as I opened the car door. I didn't look at him as he he drove back to his house.

"So what happened?" Sam glanced over to me.

"I came home and there was a girl in his lap." I mumbled.

Sam slammed on the breaks, and looked at me with wide eyes, "What!?"

I felt tears prick my eyes again, "I know we aren't in love.. but it still hurts.."

Sam's brows furrowed as he whipped the car around. He was pissed.

"Sam what are you doing!?" I freaked.

Sam didn't answer, but it became clear he was going to lose his shit on Colby.

Sam parked in the drive and hurried up to the door. He didn't bother to knock just slammed it open.

"Sam what the hell?" Colby looked up at him, as the woman got off him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Sam practically screamed as I stood in the doorway.

I toyed at the hem of my shirt as Colby glared at me. "It's none of your damn business."

"None of my business? Fuck you. You are a peice of shit! You are a fucking married man and and you are here fucking around with her!?" Sam pointed at the woman who just stood there awkwardly.

"Why are you defending that bitch!?" Colby pointed at me. "And what gives you the right to go bitching to my best friend!?"

Colby stormed over to me, grabbing my shirt aggressively. I flinched as I started to shake slightly. He pushed me to the ground as Sam pulled him away.

"Don't fucking treat her like that, Colby." Sam grabbed his shirt tightly. He had a crazy look in his eyes. "It's not her fault that she was forced into your little scheme." Sam pushed him down. "She'll be back by tomorrow to fly out, but Kat and I will be going to."

Sam glared at Colby, grabbing my arm gently and pulling me out of the door. He was still pissed as we got into the car.

"Sam, you didn't have to do that.." I muttered looking away.

"Don't worry about it. He shouldn't be treating you like that." He sighed. "Come over to my place and stay the night. I'll get your suitcase and the three of us will meet Colby at the airport."

"I have to work tonight, Sam. I'll probably be there all night." I sighed as Sam looked my over.

"I'll drive you to work and pick you up. Just text me when you are off." Sam looked back at the road. "When do you work?"


"Why were you gonna leave now? It's only 2:00?"

"My job was a few miles away. I need to stop waisting so much on Uber."

Sam sighed, "Where do you work?"

"It's the diner barely a mile away from your house." I smiled slightly.

"Okay well let's head to my place and let Kat know-"

"Can we not tell Kat everything? I don't want her to worry so much."

Sam took a deep sigh and nodded. "I will tell her eventually. I can't keep secrets from her for too long."

"I know Sam.."

It was silent on the rest of the way to Sam's place. I know he didn't want to keep this from Kat, but he also knew that it was better off this way.

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